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Does my son know who I am?

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My 10 month old has had his step mother in his life since day 1. He has spent half the week with her and his father since he was 4 weeks old. She has been his main care giver when he's at their house because his father works a lot. Now that he's talking, he calls her mama. She does correct him, and says no I'm Ashley, mamas not here right now. He also calls me mama. Does he know I'm his mother? Does the fact that he sees her and she takes care of him more than I'm able to hurt my relationship with him? I get him 3 full days and nights a week. But she's with him 24/7 when he's at his fathers house. Does he think she's his mother? Does he prefer her?

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Of course he knows who you are. He knew who you were before he was born. He had already recognized your voice, recognized your heart beat, and knew many things about you. In the hour after he was born he recognized and fully memorized your face etc etc. Absolutely he knows who you are.

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His language skills don't allow him to do much differentiation with what he calls people. Please don't worry, a child knows their mother. Its fortunate he has so many people in his life who love him and care for him. Think of it as a huge leg up for him and try not to read too much into this.

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