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Alright. The title explains it all, and I really get all wordy on much on this. But here it goes. I'm a 23 year old Hispanic guy, graduate student, and I'm from South Central Texas. I am a 23 year old virgin. I just never had that opportunity to have sex. I am heterosexual and I am into women, but I just never had the opportunity. And to restate this again, I do like women. And I've been in graduate school since last August, and most of the women are way too old for me. I mean the average age for the women are 30 years old, and yes there were some women around my age but they are with men already or engaged. I had lived on campus, and I know some younger friends that I consider "bros"(18-19) actually, and I somewhat partied with them a bit. And the thing that embrases me that I had to admit, is my "bros" are not virgins and have had sex with girls before. I somewhat told a white lie of having sex before, in part, I'm afraid of saying that I was a 22-23 year old virgin. Why? I feel so embarrassed to admit that.


Though I've had some close calls of almost losing my virginity this past year.


Dcember 2014

My friend(a guy) and his FWB(girl) and another a friend of a friend(guy) and I were my friend's FWB house. Okay, we were under the influence and well were in my friend's FWB bed chilling and it was somewhat a little foreplay clothed for a few minutes. My friend's FWB almost took her top off. And I took up off my shirt and tank top. But we didn't have sex.


March 2015

I do not know how this came up, but my friend and I were talking one day while were smoking and drinking a bit. I had pitched an idea of having a 3 way between him and his FWB. My friend didn't get pissed or anything, and didn't mind that. That would've been the first and only 3 way I would've ever done if I attempted. We didn't have that 3 way because my friend's FWB declined that idea. I got too damn worked up about that, and I somewhat was bragging to some friends that this was going to happen but it didn't happen. Then I felt a little sad for a few days, because I thought I felt like a "loser" for not losing my virginity.


For the 5 years I've just felt like a loser somewhat, when I've heard or learn in some capacity of people I know that have had sex. I tend to not let it get to me. In some instances, my dad tends to comment whenever I'm going to bring a woman home or whatever, and I tend to get pissed when he tells me that. Because year after year that passes that I haven't had sex, I've felt like a "loser." I mean I know it's not the end of freeking world for not having sex or whatever, but it somewhat gets to me whenever I know a friend or someone that has had sex because I feel like inferior or someway.

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23 Really isn't that old to be a virgin. Sometimes the right time just doesn't happen for a bit longer. There is so much social pressure for us to start having sex as soon as possible but to be honest rushed and with someone you hardly know isn't a nice way to lose your virginity.


One of my exes was 23 and I was his first. I didn't think strangely of him at all.

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Wow, you almost lost it in a threesome. That would've been pretty crazy. The only threesome i'm ever going to have is between me and my two hands. LOL


It's not too bad to be it at your age. Espically since you're still in college and around women. Just don't let yourself get to my age "31" and still not get laid. That makes it much harder.


Go for the older women if they seem to be into you at all. See if any of them want to teach you the ways of sex.

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OP, you are NOT a loser for being a virgin. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. You can't force people to do it! Some people get lucky, others have to wait. It will happen over time, it sounds like you got pretty close to it a couple times already. Don't let this control your life. No one even has to know about it, including future partners. Furthermore it's probably a good thing that you don't go around trying to hook up with every woman that walks in your path.


Some "bro" advice for you - from my experience in dating people don't always explicitly talk about their past sex life, it more so just happens. So you don't have to tell them "I'm a virgin". If they do ask about your past, just say "I don't like talking about my past sexual partners, I've had some bad experiences" and leave it at that. If you make it into the bedroom ever and you get, well, "lost" trying to do things, just tell her you are "inexperienced". That is your "safe" word that doesn't sound like you've never done it before.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, you almost lost it in a threesome. That would've been pretty crazy. The only threesome i'm ever going to have is between me and my two hands. LOL


It's not too bad to be it at your age. Espically since you're still in college and around women. Just don't let yourself get to my age "31" and still not get laid. That makes it much harder.


Go for the older women if they seem to be into you at all. See if any of them want to teach you the ways of sex.


I was smoking with my friend, and somehow the discussion came up of having a threesome. I mean, he was cool with it there was a threesome between me, his best friend(a female girl), and him.


Then again, my friend doesn't know I'm a virgin still because I've been lying and saying that I had sex with 5-6 girls when I was 18-21 years old. I did that, so I can claim my "masculinity"(so I wouldn't be assumed to be gay).


At the moment, I only see hook ups with girls that are 18-20 and are virgins like myself. I'll only get into a serious relationship with a girl that is 21-25 as my standards.

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Your not a looser for being a virgin, and I would be willing to bet that some of those older chicks there would even find that enticing. You dont want to loose your virginity in a threeway or a group setting. You will probably feel enough pressure with just you and one lady friend. You think some other dude in there with you will make it easier? Just chill dude, it will happen.

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