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is this the end of the friendship ?


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Hi there

it started yesterday morning when i saw him in the hall. I waved to him and he nobs his head ,nothing else. then later on i saw him and he just says hi ,i think he was trying to avoid me or something ,he turns his head back and just look straight. then i asked him if we can walk to the next class together and he shake his head yes then he says bye. then when the next class started we walked to the next class together still not much talking but he did asked me if i did anything this weekend and i said no and i asked if he did anything and he shakes his no. then later on last block on saw him and he says hi to me ,i asked him we can walk to the bus together and he says yeah. then when the class almost over he walk by and says hi then my name and i single come on over and he did and he says i have to get my glasses and he did and when the bell rang ,he waited for me. then we walked out of the school and i asked if i could sit with him tomorrow and he says umm maybe ,i might be busy studying and helping other people. things got silent. when i said bye ,he did not answer and he barely gave me a high five. not sure if he just lied to me or not.

Then today i saw him at his table and he just says hi quietly and he was playing cards.

then the bell rang and i we walked he was talking to his friend and when his friend left and he did not say a word to me ,i said bye and he says bye.

then later on i saw him and he says hi and still very little talking ,and i said you are my friend and he goes you are my friend too. but he talking more to his other friends more the me. then later we walked to the bus and he did not talk again.

what should i do?

BTW we are both males

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Maybe he thinks you're too clingy. Make sure you have other friends so that you're just not relying on one person for all of your social needs. If that's not the case, just know that during those ages, friendships are sometimes temporary. I remember that during my teen years, I would be close with someone for about 2 years, and then my life and hers would move in different directions, and I'd meet new people and get another close friend for a few years until life led us in opposite directions. Sometimes boyfriends would take up some of that time, and we wouldn't get together so much, and so on. I do find it odd that you asked if you could sit with him the next day. Usually buddies at school just bump into each other and walk and talk or eat lunch together, but he may find that making plans like that a day in advance is being a bit needy.

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