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Just Finished Course Work: Moontiger Update

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Hello ENA!


I haven't been very active here since August when I started grad school. I wanted to give an update/get some thoughts down. I ended grad school with a 3.6 which I am happy with though still cannot help wishing is was higher because there were two classes I was VERY close to having an A in.


I feel like I blinked and everything went by. The hours were long but the weeks were short. Now I'm starting and internship and hunting for a full-time job. My life, after years of feeling like it wasn't going anywhere IS going somewhere now. Once my internship is done I have to complete a final report to get my degree. I'm so excited! I'll have a Master and work in the field I love. I learned that no matter where you go there will alway be ;azy people, back stabbers, and drama queens. But there are also wonderful, funny, scarastic, interesting people that make the a-hles worth it.


I'm embracing my self-idenity more. Just knowing who I am and expressing it has been great. I am a feminist, atheist, shy, nerd who loves to ear and cook and would rather go on a jog then get my nails done.


My love life is still a dud but once I move to my internship I'm going to try online dating again. Maybe this is the year everything will happen for me? Here's hopeing!

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That was lovely to read, well done, I'm so happy for you ! I am studying too and your post resonates with my own journey of finally having some direction in life. I wish you a great summer, hoping you enjoy the internship. Keep us updated !

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Thank you everyone! It's been a great journey with its ups and downs but I'm so happy I got the opportunity to take it.


Quirky, I hope things are going well with your studies. Trust me there were times everyone in my cohort broke down crying over this past year. But it will go by very fast.

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