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Should I consider this job move to Austin, Texas?

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Hello. I am have been searching for a new job to get out of my current job and to something that I enjoy. So when a opportunity in Austin, TX came up, I entertained it.


But I've been so let down in my current field, that I wanted to move completely away from it, but all the opportunities that come my way is in the same line of work. On top of that, I'm nervous to move so far from my family and move to a place I know, no one at all. I just keep getting a feeling of loneliness thinking about being there but idk if it's really fear.


Has anyone had a similar experience and if so, how did you handle it?

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Research Austin first before you accept. Its a very libral city in a conservative state so think about if that would suite you or not. Moving to a new place is scary but can really fun.


How old are you?

I'll be 30 in two weeks. I agree the reviews are mixed.

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You're young enough to try the move. Why not take a chance? If it doesn't work out you can always go back. You can meet friends through work, hobby groups, meetup groups etc.

Well I think if I leave my parent will not be as open to letting me come back to live with them especially when I am living on my own now. Plus I have a pretty chronic illness and I'm scared that if I have a flare up, no one will be there to help or support me. It's just a hard choice.

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I am sorry about the chronic illness. I now see your dilemma. How about talking it over with your parents and asking if they would allow you to stay with them if you were to return, just until you settle and find a place etc? Most parents would ant to help their kids out regardless of age.

It is a hard choice, and one only you can make.

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