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The debate is on: Before or After V-Day?


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There's this girlI like and I was thinking of asking her out sometime in the near future. Now there's just one question I have for you on when to do it...




Here are my pro's for doing it before:

-I have my answer and it will save me from a headache

-I won't seem desperate if I gave her a small gift (candy, rose, etc.) that day if she says she'll go out with me

-If she says no, then I won't need to find anything to get her

The bad thing is if she goes out with me just because it's near Valentine's Day. If I ask her out not the week or so before, this shouldn't even come up.


Here are my PRO's for doing it after:

-If the girl is single come Valentine's Day, she may be more willing to go out with someone afterwards (someone told me this).

-You don't necessarily have to give her something for V-Day if we're not "together" and it may save me some $$.

The bad thing is if I wsa to wait the three week, only to see another guy ask her out in this time and they end up going out.


Those are only my views on this. What do you think?

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Its pretty simple make a decision and go with it. Instead of a date why dont you just make it informal and go for coffee or something like that. The idea here is to conversate with her get to know her better and see if she responds positively to you after than you can decide what to do about valentines day.

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