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Gf broke up with me suddenly, back on match.com right away, makes no sense?


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I met a woman on link removed a few months ago. We have a lot in common, we're both in our later 20s, both have full custody of a 3 year old girl, and we clicked very easily. We were falling in love and talked of the future. Never got in any arguments or anything, never seemed like anything was wrong. Then she started talking about how she is dealing with a lot of things with her life and trying to provide for her daughter and she needed to figure out a lot of stuff. She told me she wanted to feel for me because I was great, but everything she had going on was preventing her from doing this. Also, I was the first relationship she had since being a mom.


After a week of not talking much, she broke things off with me via text, didn't say too much. She said she needed to be single while she figures things out. I understood and she kept telling me how good I made her feel, and I left the door open for reconnection and told her I was always there, but would leave her alone.


However, only a day later I was curious if she was actively back on link removed, which she was. This is why I am confused. I am the type that would have rather been told she didn't feel that way for me. Could it be that being back on there is because she needs to see what all is out there and see what she wants? Was that part of what she needed to figure out?

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She actually did the respectful thing and tried to tell you first, by using kind words. So many people just go silent, even after dating a few months. She sounds very respectable, actually, in that she did try to soften the blow, so to speak. Sadly, if she is back on Match, it's because she is looking to meet others. Period. It sucks, it hurts - but clearly she cares for you in that she didn't ghost you. That may not seem like much, but it is something.

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My guess is that the real reason she broke up with you would've hurt your feelings worse than the reason she told you. Stop trying to figure out what's going in her brain, because you'll never know. Fate has someone else in store for you, so it's time to emotionally move on.

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Do you think that her looking to see what's out there has to do with me being the first relationship in over 3 years and since she's been a mom? Do you think it could be a test to see if I was what she wanted?



It might be, it might not.

Some people treat online dating as pass time, like facebook kinda thing, they're on there but doesn't mean they are fully available. For some it's a distraction and if something develops then great. Noone is gonna say on their profile that they're not fully ready. Some people don't even know they are not fully ready unless faced with the possibility of a relationship.


It could be she went straight back on it so not to wallow.

Or she is too used to being single and found it difficult to commit at this point but still wants a date here and there.

It could be that as great as you are she didn't feel she wanted to go all the way with you.


Whatever her reason you need to think of yourself and not try to decipher her actions/decision too much. It is what it is, her path is her choice. You need to look at yours.

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She was trying to tell you something wasn't as she wants it. Three months isn't THAT long. She may be on Match just to swipe pics. It's not unusual that people get on line right after. It's a way of forcing the mind to think of something else, to imagine moving forward.

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