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another question for guys ,since they understand them


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My story is way complicated I love a guy who loved my best friend .He was heart broken by my best friend and that was over 2 years ago. He was her best friend. she left him for another guy because he wouldn't confess his love to her .she told me it was only a crush and she moved on. I loved him then and still do till this day. He is very shy and so am I. Well I remind his friend. A year and half later my best friend asked me to patch things up .So I tried but he winked at me, and started becoming more flirty when I told him. I started chatting with him online but then I found out later that he blocked me, I was so hurt, I confronted him. He came to me an apologized, he asked me to forgive and that he didn't mean to hurt me. My friend changed schools over a year ago .Now he winking again. When I told him about another guy interested me, he later asked me how I found that person after he saw standing with that person. What is up with him, is he afraid of getting hurt again or just what is going on. so confused ,please help

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Okay, I noticed a lot of folks are looking atthis, but no one responded yet, so.......


I have to tell you, Couragous, I'm a guy, and I have no idea what this guy is thinking... On one hand, I'd say drop him because it seems like he knows what buttons he can push in you - how to reel you in (flirting) and how to push you away (blocking).... He has very erratic behavior, and it seems partly based on whether or not the other girl is in the picture... Too much baggage there, in my opinion...


You said there is another guy you like? Concentrate on that....

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I believe that you are reading too much into him flirting with you and talking to him online. For whatever reason he blocked you and that simply means that he doesnt want to talk to you online. You have to remember that this guy liked your best friend and you say that you love him. The situation you seem to be putting yourself in doesnt seem to be positive. I would worry less about trying to get into his head and see what is really in front of you.

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You are putting yourself in a position, where you are trying to get friendly with some1 who still has feelings for someone else. This is very dodgy ground, and is only worth going into if you are willing to except that you may get hurt

He is displaying eratic behaviour, and it is better not to get too worried about it. He may see this as being a big game, and is just playing you around. You said that he asked about the person you were standing with. Thats human nature.... he will leave you alone when you are not with someone, but as soon as you start getting interested in someone else, he will move in on you again. Its like having a football by a group of people. As soon as you start playing with it, every1 else wants a go.

In my opinion, you should get to know the guy who is interested in you... as he likes you for the person you are. Not the other guy whos main intension could be to play around with your feelings.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi couragous,


Here are a couple of ideas about this situation you encountered a month ago.


Dating or flirting with someone who was your friend's partner is okay.


Your friend does not owe your life or his life. You are both free!


She might show some resistance for you dating him but she would get jealous with any girl, so consider yourself free!


You are free and so is he!


This is important! It is about your love live, and feelings.


Now, you seem to both like each other but at the same time don't take action because you feel you are not allowed to. Remove any feeling of guilt or shame and flirt with him if you want to. You don't have to suppress any of what you feel.


Don't make it heavy though. Don't go into serious "dating" conversations, talking about his ex or anything along that line. Now, it is about you two, not about her anymore!


Keep it light and fun and enjoy the flirt for what it is. There is no shame and no guilt in expressing openly what is happening.


Why does he ask you about this other guy? Maybe because he cares as a friend or more. It's normal to be interested in what happens in your life.


Don't go too fast with interpreting something like that though.


He is not asking you out, simply being interested, so take it lightly and don't use his remark as a reason to back off and stop flirting with that other guy.


Keep your options open. Your life belongs to you and you are free to do what you want with it.


It is your choice no one else's


Good luck and Enjoy!



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