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feeling lost and confused after break up. Advice wanted

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This may be a little long.


Me and my ex have been together for 5 years, he's broke up with me twice. We were together for 2 years and then he broke up with me saying he didn't want a relationship and hated our arguments. We were still in contact for the time we weren't together. I dated other people and he did as he didn't want to be tied down. He came back after a while saying he wanted to be with me. We moved in together and were really good apart from his family all of a sudden hated me and couldn't give their reasons other than I deleted his family off fb when we split as it was hard for me. I lost a baby last year when we were together and money problems got in the way and arguments started happening again as he was always wanting to be with his friends and I wasn't working as I had an op after my pregnancy and lost a tube. He decided to move back home and so did I. For a few months we didn't talk then we started talking again in January properly. Going on dates, and we were content and brilliant, but out of the blue the other week he messaged me saying it's not going to work, that hurt because we were actually the best we've ever been since everything happened. He chose to block me on social media and didn't contact me. He then unblocked me the other day going absolutely mad blaming everything on me. I push him away, it won't work it would of years ago, too many people don't want us together, but what hurt the most is that he said he only comes back because he feels sorry for hurting me and wants to put a smile back on my face. Well to be honest when he gives me no option I do move on and I try to start again and I said this to him, that I leave him alone when he does this. After saying he comes back for pity a few hours later he messaged saying sorry he didn't mean half of what he said he was angry and didn't know what he was saying and I just need to accept it. He also said he wishes we didn't lose our baby and i don't know the half of how it made him feel because he couldn't talk to me. That bothered me too. I haven't heard much since at all from the other day and the more I read those messages he sent the more angry I become so I've now sent him a message of how it made me feel and blocked him. Very hard for me as I feel lost now and very confused as to why he's been like this.

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