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venting poem- plz read


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I used to cut myself okay

But they said it was wrong

So I pushed it all away

And now I walk alone


I wish I liked the taste of alcohol

So I could drown the pain

But there's only sex and music

So it comes back again


Close your eyes to me

Yeah, people close your eyes

I'm like the homeless on the street

You refuse to hear my cries


My words are in my actions

In the clothing that I wear

They're in the grades I make at school

In my blank and empty stare


They're in the boys I f*** each day

In the secrets that I hide

They whisper in my athiesm

In the pill I take at night


I can't make it stop

It's just the way it is

Like teenage boys with weed

And teenage girls with kids


So I just do my homework

Take the phone calls

Wash my hair


Take out the trash

Write some words

Until eventually







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