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Struggling with no contact


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How long have you been doing "no contact"? It is really hard. I know, I'm doing it now. I try to keep in mind that what she really needs more than anything is some space to get herself straight. Try thinking about that.


The hard part for you (and me) is that we what answers, we want to make it better, we want to know SOMETHING! Because we are confused and lost and feel alone.


I started a journal, which helps. Whenever I want to tell her something, I write it in the journal instead. I've also got some friends that I text instead of her just so I have someone to vent to.


If you are doing NC for a set amount of time, maybe circle that day on the calendar so you know that this won't necessarily last forever.

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Well i think it all depends if your ex replies or not. For example for me when i text my ex (i know that i should't) she replies to me and answer my questions and talks to me but not as much. I am start going to stop talking to her because we all know there is no use of it. We won't hear what we want. So i am slowly backing off little by little. Before i used to text her 3-4 times a week. But these days i barely text her. I know it is truly this time to let go. Especially when there is nothing to talk about.

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No he doesn't reply tends to ignore me when he feels like it then replies when he wants to


Dont contact them. It will make you feel worse and the best thing i have learnt is just to give people space. and yourself. write a journal. I have written mine on a word document so i can see how differently i feel each day. Also, there is a thread on this website where you post on it when you feel like messaging them. There are loads of people doing it right now who are doing NC.

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Well yeah in that case not contacting him is the best for you. If he reaches out i would make it to the point and not talk much. I really don't know what is your situation with this Guy but it all depends on the relationship itself. I am not struggling with the no contact but the fact i miss her very much.

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Try to imagine his flaws. Something that makes you sick about him, something disgusting...


And finally - if you send message and you won't get reply - how will you feel? Good? I don't think so Put yourself first.

I agree! You will only feel worse if you don't receive a response.

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I did it after a drink last night and it was more hatred towards him I can't even remember what I said and I won't read them. It's the fact he's blamed me for our breakup but then changed his mind saying he didn't mean what he said but it's stuck in my head. I think I need to find something else to be able to write to if I want to contact him because I don't get a reply and it's horrible

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I did it after a drink last night and it was more hatred towards him I can't even remember what I said and I won't read them. It's the fact he's blamed me for our breakup but then changed his mind saying he didn't mean what he said but it's stuck in my head. I think I need to find something else to be able to write to if I want to contact him because I don't get a reply and it's horrible


So what did you text him when you were drinking? and what did he reply?!

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So what did you text him when you were drinking? and what did he reply?!


A lot of hatred because he's just cut me off like I'm nothing and I said that in the text. I've actually text this morning because I've let myself down by texting him really. He didn't reply but he never has credit on his phone to reply anyway but even if he had credit he wouldn't reply so I don't know why I bothered. Finding it very hard the last time he broke up with me I did very well and when he contacted me I was short and polite but didn't entertain him, but this time I'm not doing good but I think that's because we were good and there isn't a very good reason for his decision and he's played with my feelings.

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What I do is I put it on my phone calendar when I start the NC. And then I also put in a due date e.g. 30 days later (extend when you get to due date. Until you no longer feel like you need it anymore). I think people are more willing to commit to something that will end eventually then something that seems like infinity. Also it also feels like I'm achieving something every time I mark down on my calendar that I was successful of my NC

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A lot of hatred because he's just cut me off like I'm nothing and I said that in the text. I've actually text this morning because I've let myself down by texting him really. He didn't reply but he never has credit on his phone to reply anyway but even if he had credit he wouldn't reply so I don't know why I bothered. Finding it very hard the last time he broke up with me I did very well and when he contacted me I was short and polite but didn't entertain him, but this time I'm not doing good but I think that's because we were good and there isn't a very good reason for his decision and he's played with my feelings.


The way i see it i know you are so hurt that he left you as you were nothing like you said. But when it comes to the Dumper he hates to talk about the break up because he/she get annoyed from guilt and sadness. They don't want to feel that. The best way to do it is not to talk about the relationship unless he mentioned it and calm yourself down if you talked to him. Let him contact you and try to disappear out of his life and let him wonder why haven't you texted him. That's the only think i can think of. People's feelings change from time to time..... It always has been like that!

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His feelings change all of the time and that is the problem. It's like he gets bored thinks the grass is greener then comes back apologising and saying this that and the other. He plays with my feelings but then feels the need to blame me. No contact is the hardest thing for me! I get itchy thumbs wanting to text this, that and the other and I can't overcome the urge sometimes! Lol. I'm so drained and tired from it all at the minute though I haven't bothered since I text him when I was drunk.

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