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how to make a move?


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I've been seeing this girl for about 2 - 3 weeks now and we've spent nights together at the movies or gone over to her house and vice versa but I feel lost about when/how to make a move!


I'm shy and it's my downfall but the more I talk with her I'm becoming more comfortable with myself and I just don't know how to go about making a move such as holding hands or putting my arm around her. She's not the type of girl that would be naughty or anything and nor am I but I think I should do something. I notice that when we are watching movies or hanging out together just talking she seems to get closer and I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it but I feel as if she is expecting me to do something.


I've often joked with her about the idea of holding her hand or something and she laughed and said "aww and she wouldn't mind it" and she's even hugged me before at school. I think I just don't know how to go about it and it's beginning to get into my head. I really like this girl and I want to further our relationship but I just don't know what to do!!! I talk with her everyday after school and sometimes go home with her, should I just reach out and grab hold of her hand or say "do you mind if I hold ya hand?". I'm not an aggressive guy when it comes to relationships and I become shy at times but like I was saying I've began to open up to her more.




- Josh

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Hehe, you have a girl, and she's literally said that you could hold her hand and you still haven't done it?


Well, next time...DO IT....maybe even have fun and like take it, and then say 'wait, no Im holding your hand way too early'...then like take it again in a few minutes and hold it. Its just unpredictability....have fun.


When she scoots closer while watchin a movie, say something like "You're too close to me"..she'll probably be like....'what....?'..if she doesnt say it, she's thinking it. Then put your arm around her and pull her close...JUST DO IT...


Its okay to be afraid to advance....just do it though, and have fun with her, tease her about it. You can't close up and be shy all the time, if you're getting comfortable with her, you must be doing better....just take my advice, if you dont(tell me why) and lemme know what happened in a priv. mess. or something....good luck

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Just walk together somewhere or WHENEVER You two are walking together and just touch her hand a little, like a flick - that'll give her a hint you'll want to hold hands. then just after a few seconds, get a hold of her palm and move into holding her hand fully.

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