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I must be getting old

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Well, i just love to see these forms that have teens or pre teens fourteen and under asking about what to do with their sex lives. Though i think that sexual contact is essential to living a healthy life, it shouldn't be done with children that are in middle school or just entering high school, it is not possible for them to fully understand the consequences of their actions. This goes for both male and female. For heavens sake im olny nineteen years of age but with all these children running around commiting sexual acts i feel like im fifty.


Mainly my question is why do preteens feel the need to rush into sexual acts.

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Iono maybe all i can think about is maybe their hormones are running rampent and kids can't really control them well.Well someone must have started the trend "everyone is doing it" comment that gives them the excuse to go out and have sex.Maybe they want sex to keep their relationship going and maybe feel like they have something going.YA like the person above me said.I havent had a first kiss or something or done mere childs play.And too think that there are kids who are 13 and having sex that just blows my mind.

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as the years we go on, in genral we learn things sooner! i got my first sex education in year 6 (so that made me what erm 9 or 10! but it does depend on what we watch too, i mean look at TV now a days they can get away with more and more, and they will do to draw ratings, but one facter i found out, Girls & Boys at the early teen age like to hang out with older kids eg 16, who by then all know about it, i was 13, i got with girl who was 16, and sure as hell we did stuff, we did everything! i regret it now but what i know is when your in the situations like that it kinda makes u feel more grown up, at least thats what i felt at the time, and so did my other mates when i told them what happened

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I also feel the say way. People are way to young to worry about that. Now in this time you need education to have good living. Having baby on your hip isn't something you need to worry about. I will be 22 years old this feb i have to say when i was in school i really don' tt remember my teachers talking about sex. If they do, parents have to sign papers and they didnt tell my class sex=babies.

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I never even thought about dating or relationships until 16,17, 18. I lost my virginity at 18. And recently saw a thing on the news a girl (9) gave birth to a baby in Hopkins down here. The thing is kids aren't afraid of anything any more. Parents are losing control and work so much to pay for this and that and everything their kids are running around rampid. I am a teacher. I had a kindergardener, draw a picture of male anantomy for the word we were learning at the time , male. He acted as though it were nothing. I talked to the mom and she told me why not if he dont learn it from her he will from someone else. Heck you can't even smack your kids butt any more without having to give a 5 page report to a social worker. Society has changed everything, and unfortunately we allow it because someone is always whining we violated this or that, or you shouldn't do this or that. Here's a new thing: Take control of your family first and reach your kids before they start all this non sense and come home at 14 saying I am pregnant. I am 27 with 2 kids and I assure you I never died getting my butt spanked and they won't either. I am strick and can tell you every detail about their friends and their friends parents, before I let them go hang out. Too many people don't have the time for that though and their kids are bouncing off some street corner saying every cuss work known to man and no one has the guts to say your wrong.

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Yeah, kids are becoming sexual way to early. They don't fully understand the consequences of their actions. The feel like nothing will happen to them and they can do anything they want. Kids shouldn't be in such a rush to grow up. Go to the mall, to movies, play basketball. Enjoy the little, meaningful parts of relationships - the holding hands, innocent and gentle kisses, just being together. There's no need to be in a hurry. In a few years they'll just end up looking back and regretting their actions, wishing they could have their childhood back and not have had to deal with so many adult situations.

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I feel, very strongly, that the parenting plays a monumental role in when younger people start having sex. I can't help but wonder what goes through the mind of a 12-year old who is having sex; at that age I would have felt very awkward and wasn't anywhere near being ready.


When I was around that age, you didn't see half of the crap that you see on t.v./ movies/ music now. Of course there was some exposure, but not the trashy stuff you see everywhere these days. This is probably why it helps to (again), be brought up to be able to read through the BS.

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