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Bumping into ex, ugh

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I bumped into my ex at a friends BBQ today and I ignored him the whole time until he approached me to bring me a drink and then he cheered with me after that. I thought it was kinda weird since we haven't talked to each other and I thought he'd still avoid me since our break up has only been a month...I could see that he wasn't himself. He was quiet and aloof, that's not like him at all. Maybe it was awkward for him too. Anyway, my friend told me he kept watching me when I was talking to my friends and that he didn't want to go inside to say bye to everyone because I was there. Other than that, he's been contacting my brother out of the blue when he doesn't even talk to him. Ugh, break ups are a damn emotional roller coaster. One day I'm happy and the next day I can't stop thinking of him regardless how busy I am. I'm not sure what he wants right now, maybe he's keeping the lines open but isn't it too soon to be friends again? I feel like I'm back to square one again after seeing him. It sucks losing a lover and a best friend...

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This is the part I'm dreading when it happens, it will in time and I'm unsure as to how I will react. the last time I saw her I called her out in a lie and she was with another guy that she said she didn't have feelings for.... I told him what I thought of him (as we used to be friends) so I made both of them feel very insecure about being where I was at the time. Since then my ex and I have texted each other a few times but not contact now for 7 weeks.

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Those moments are interesting and let the mind go wild. It does suck for a little while. Focus on yourself and what you need and want.


I am focusing on myself; There are just times where I miss him but I think it's natural after a break up. I posted a new selfie and he commented "yummy" on there......I'm not sure if he thinks we are friends but who would say that to a friend or to a recent ex anyway? My friend told me last night that he saw my ex at a concert and he asked if I went and my whereabouts...wth? We broke up a little over a month ago..i'm confused and don't want to talk to him.

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He deleted the "yummy" comment now wth lol wow. This is kind of similar to when he liked and then immediately unliked my picture on my instagram and I knew it wasn't a mistake. I know him but I don't know him if that makes sense.....Maybe he's trying to hint me something but i'm still not going to initiate contacting him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you want to get back together? It sounds like you're playing with the idea in your mind, but you won't be the one to instigate it because of pride, and it feeds the ego if you're the one he desires.


Think about the reason you two broke up in the first place?

Sometimes, it helps to remove him from social media, or put your privacy settings so high that he can't comment on your pictures or anything. You can also "unfollow" his posts. You'll get less of his presence and will eventually forget about him.

Also, getting back into the dating scene (slow and easy) will help you forget about him.

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I haven't seen my former husband in years and it makes me wonder how I would feel in those kind of situations, lol. I've seen pictures and that's about it. It would be just weird but I'm sure I'd get over it. And who gives a care if he texts your brother. My former husband is still in contact with my family and quite frankly it doesn't bother me. The marriage was between "him and I" and not "him and my family". Just don't get caught up between their texting or phone calling.

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