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Ease my mind before I see a doctor...


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Ok. So way back in the middle of November, I slept with my ex. December and January, my periods were on time to the day and normal. February, it was 5 days late but normal. Now in March, I'm 2 weeks late. My periods have never been regular. Since I was a teenager ill go months with them right on time then sometimes I'll even skip a month or they'll come twice in a month. So anyway, I wasn't concerned until my friend said that I could be pregnant, because you can get normal periods when pregnant. This may be a long shot, but I'm looking for opinions. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests. One last week and one over a month ago. Both negative. If I did get pregnant that night, I'd be about 17 weeks right now. I have no other symptoms. Have not gained weight, don't look any bigger. I got freaked out because a few times I felt what seemed to be kicks. But that also could just be gas or a million other things. I'm also under a tremendous amount of stress lately, my grandfather recently passed away, I've had problems at work. Could be the reason for the late period. But i can't keep it off my mind. Anyone think there's a chance I could be pregnant? I haven't felt any morning sickness or anything. I have 2 kids, so I know what being pregnant feels like. But I don't want to be one of those women on the "I didn't know I was pregnant" shows.

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I wouldn't worry too much about a late period if November was the last time you had sex and you have had 2 negative pregnancy tests since then. Especially since you stated you are under severe stress lately.

My ex was always giving us the scare. She was frequently under stress and it often resulted in 2-3 week late periods.

Any longer than that and you might want to worry

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If you are irregular generally, have been having periods, have had two negative pregnancy tests and show no other signs of being pregnant then I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Yes some people can have periods when pregnant but when you add everything togetger, I think it is highly unlikely. I think your friend is just being a scare monger - though she obviously has your best interests at heart.

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If you were 17 weeks pregnant, your hcg levels would be through the roof, and a pregnancy test would definitely give you a positive results. Assuming you're reading the pregnancy test right - and since you've had two children I'm sure you know how they work - then you're not pregnant. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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I doubt you are pregnant if you have taken 2 of those tests at this late date and they are both negative. They are usually extremely accurate and there are more false positives than falst negatives.


If you have fear of pregnancy, make sure to double up on contraceptive meatures (i.e., condom plus pill or condom plus IUD), especially if you have irregular periods and have a hard time telling when you may be ovulating.

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