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Girls, what would you think about this?

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I am not going to be a pessimist any longer! I can't take it any longer, so I've decided to move on. I have an idea of what Im going to do I just wanna see what some people think about it.


What do you girls think about guys who are always happy and very confident? I want to try to be happy as much as possible, put on a smile and act friendly, but Im not sure if this will scare people away or not.

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[i know I'm not a girl but just wanted to throw in some points for you.]


Girls are approaching guys? That's pretty rare. Don't expect it to happen to you if it's happening to other guys. It's usually the guy's job to approach the girl.


Keeping that in mind, yes it's good to have confidence. However, there are so many ways to show confidence. That's why a lot of people advise to be yourself. When you are yourself, you seem to exude more confidence around other people. There is no magical recipe that makes you the most confident man in the world. However, being yourself is probably the most important thing. You are on the right track. Smiling is great too. You don't have to look all cheerful but look far from frustrated or sad. It works both ways. Would you want to meet a girl who looks sad?


I think it's great that you want to become more confident. Improving your confidence will help you in so many other things in life other than women. You will find that you're doing better in school, that it's hard for people to put you down easily, that you can easily approach new people, that you can feel more comfortable in a job interview, and so on. You will be thanking yourself in the long run.

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White[icE], good for you! Happy and confident is good, and girls will respond positively to that.


Really, what it boils down to is deciding to have a good attitude, regardless of what kinds of things are happening around you. I'm learning that circumstances and things aren't what make me happy or unhappy -- *I* make me happy or unhappy.


Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I try to turn it around by celebrating every little thing I can. Let us know how it goes...

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White[icE], good for you! Happy and confident is good, and girls will respond positively to that.


Really, what it boils down to is deciding to have a good attitude, regardless of what kinds of things are happening around you. I'm learning that circumstances and things aren't what make me happy or unhappy -- *I* make me happy or unhappy.


Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I try to turn it around by celebrating every little thing I can. Let us know how it goes...

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Man, just practice being happy/confident/optimistic. Its funny to put those words together. Usually we say practice your guitar or practice you math. But hey, being happy and optimistic and living with confidence is just as much an artform as classical gutiar or quantum physics. Infact, id say happiness as an artform quite possibley is the greatest art one could hope to master.


So if you dont do well at first its ok, i admire you for making this step


Dude, youll get it. Confidence will get girls interested. Hell it will make everyone more interested in your life. Its a good thing if you can help bring people up, cause in turn they will then bring you up. Its the awesome circle of life..


Girls approaching you is unlikely. Try to ignore the fact you are talking to a girl when you decide to introduce yourself. That way they wont pick up any weird vibes and you will be totally cool. Dont expect anything. Just go out to the world, be yourself and eventually someone will be interested in you and you will be able to tell. If you are hung up on the females too much youll miss it.

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Having confidence and believing in yourself is one of the most attractive qualities you can have. It will help you in relationships and more importantly with life in general. You will begin to feel better about yourself and that will help in all aspects of your life. As long as you don't overdo it (smiling all the time and be too enthusasitic) you'll be better off for it.


To work on your confidence, focus on things that you are good at. Keep reminding yourself that you are a good person with lots of talents.

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]I am not going to be a pessimist any longer! I can't take it any longer, so I've decided to move on. I have an idea of what Im going to do I just wanna see what some people think about it.


What do you girls think about guys who are always happy and very confident? I want to try to be happy as much as possible, put on a smile and act friendly, but Im not sure if this will scare people away or not.


Im not a chick, but they dig it. Alot. And not only chicks, everyone else will too.


Would you rather be with a chick that moans and complains all the time, or with one that is happy and fun? You just answered it yourself



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  • 3 months later...

Just be true to how you feel at that moment. If your not feeling amazingly perky don't force yourself to act as if you are. Fake smiles, laughs and attitudes are not attractive, but then again neither is being pessimistic. To be honest, i would wanna date a guy who want afraid to show his true feelings. However while showing your feelings you dont want to inflict your pesimisstic views on others. Just be you and allow yourself to feel how you feel, at that moment in time

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