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Be grateful for your life ! My brother died yesterday

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Hello fellow members


Just wanted to let everyone know I have not been around for awhile. I had some personal health issues with my brother (5 years younger) at the end of 2004 carried over to 2005. My brother had kidney failure and was put on life support and we were hoping he would pull through. He had a living will and requested to be taken off life support, my brother passed to a better place yesterday at 11 AM and will be missed by many. We had allot of wonderful fun times growing up, and he was a great guy and always had a great sense of humor. So out of respect to my brother "Charlie" I wanted everyone to keep him in your prayers if you would for me. I would like to think he is in heaven now, a better place. His pain is gone now and so is he, but he will be remembered always. Please pray for us both in this sad time as we morn his passing. I have gotten allot of support here, and made many good friends here. Thank you all !


God Bless us all





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Thank's Guys and Gals


Just wanted to thank everyone for all of your kind words and prayers. Like one of you said, I hope that my brothers passing brings me strength well it has. My girlfriend said the other day that a friend of hers just had a new born around the same time as my brothers death. It hit me like a brick "A new life starts, and one life ends" the law of the universe I guess.


I'm sure my brother is watching over and blessing all of you right now. So once again I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for caring so much, it meant allot to me, put a smile on my face along with a nice feeling in my heart and in my soul.


Again thanks for caring that much, you all are a class act !





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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand how you feel and I am deeply sorry for your lost. I too have lost a loved one about a month ago my nephew died in a fatal car accident at the tender age of 18. He leaves behind a one year old boy. In your case you already knew it was coming, in my case he was taken from us without any warning...Losing a loved one espically a brother is a great lost and My thoughts and prayers goes out to you and your family in your time of sorrow..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Kuhl,


I am deeply sorry for your loss. I deal with loss everyday where I work, I'm an RN at a small rural hospital. I will include you, your brother and your family in my prayers tonight. He's in a better place now and isn't suffering anymore. Someday, you'll see him again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I know (unfortunately better than most) that no words will really help the pain that you are feeling. I know that people mean well in saying them ("I'm so sorry for your loss", "They are in heaven now/at peace", "May God comfort you") but they feel so empty in comparison to all that you are going through.


I lost my older brother in 1997, and my younger in 2003. So, all I can offer in addition to my sympathy is my advice and knowledge to you. Things won't ever be the same, or ever really be fully "better" again so don't expect it to. Also, it takes a long, long time to even begin to get through the grieving process. Alot longer than many people think.. I am still not quite past the worse of dealing with my younger brothers death. I would say that the next 2 years are going to be tough for you and your family.


My best advice to you is to remember the good times, and be grateful for the time that you had. (I felt slightly ripped off in that I felt 20 and 21 was too young to die, but I still wouldn't trade the time that I did have, the experience of growing up with siblings, how close I was to my younger brother to have never had to endure all the hurting their deaths caused.) Try to be strong for your parents, they'll need you more now than ever. Also, expect things to change with them, they will never be the same. As hard as it is to lose a brother you were extremely close with, I hear (and have witnessed in my own parents) it is much harder to lose a child. Mine grew overprotective and it bothered me at first, now I just try to deal with it as best I can and be there as much as I can for them.


I know that your brother will always be with you in your thoughts and in your heart. He will always be a part of you, of your life, even though he is gone. Here's a poem I liked and a website that I found helpful b/c it showed me that there were many others in my same (or similar) position.


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My Brother

With a burdened heart and a troubled mind,

I kneel by the side of his grave

And I cry for my brother, I love so much,

For no longer can I be brave.


I know he'd hate to see me cry.

But, everything's gone wrong

And I need to tell him I love him.

I haven't told him in so long.


He used to dry my tears away

And put a smile in their place.

Oh God, I'd be so happy

If I could only see his face.


You see, I miss him terribly.

We were close, him and I.

He taught me so many things, Lord.

He took the time to answer why.


Why did he have to leave me?

I feel so all alone.

I long to hear his voice, again,

To call him on the phone.


Oh Lord, please give me strength

To bear this awful pain.

Tell him that I love him, Lord.

Slow these tears that fall like rain.


Assure me that we'll meet again,

Upon your Golden Shore,

And once more he'll be my brother

In Heaven, forever more.

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