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Please help...i really don't understand...


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Oh no bother, thats why this site is here. Its to help people, this site helped me thru my toughest times and it can help you as it has with so many people.

Please dont message him anymore. All you are going to do is torture yourself. He is going to ignore ignore ignore you because you found out who he really is.. a Big fat lying loser who has fun manipulating people. He has a pathetic life. Dont cry over him instead feel sorry for him, not to be judgmental but this guy's life is so bad that he has to go on the internet and pretend to be someone else because his life sucks, he has to lie to make himself feel better and it doesnt matter who he lies to, he wants to feel important. If he is not on or talking to people then his life is miserable, sad, pathetic with absolutely no future. He is a lying turd..

You know the truth and what matters is how you react to it. Dont message him, all he is going to do is ignore because you know the truth, his back up plan is to say "I didnt want to tell you the truth because you wouldnt like me" then he will hope you still like him after knowing is a 37, with kids, and works nights. Then he will pull on your heart strings "I care for you and love you with all my heart, I just couldnt lose you...." then youll forgive him and he will continue to manipulate you. I know what he is going to do.. Or give it a few weeks, he will contact you via another name... he is searching the net for pictures that he can use to send to you.

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IF you were skyping I assume that you could see what he looked like. Whether or not this is the case, he used you for whatever jollies this gave him. He is a predator and found you, an innocent, to prey on. I'm so very sorry that you're hurt like this, especially at only 20 years old. I suggest that you get with your girlfriends, go out together and meet real people so that you can have a better reality take on who's who. Also your girlfriends can give you real time feedback as a kind of protection.

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