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Does my crush hate me???!


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My crush sits infront of me, so one day him and his best friend were laughing then his best friend said "LOL said he likes everything except you" Then my crush added "cause youre annoying!" Like where tf did this come from, My crush and i are or WERE good friends, we used to text but not much now. idk happened, this is really making me self conscious because ive already been called ugly once last year so Im worrying that maybe he thinks im ugly. Am i really annoying? Why would he say this. Should i move on? And after school when we were packing he was talking to another girl who was really pretty and im worried he likes her. i think its because i was rude to him? i said to him "shut up" but while laughing and when he teases me. He also says that im stupider than everyone in the class but im pretty sure he was joking or jealous cuz i got a higher grade than him on a couple test. This may take alot of crying and sadness and self-hate, but should i get over my crush? I dont think he likes me, or should i give him space (we are in the same table group so i have to talk to him once in a while) we are in middle school.

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He said those things because he is a typical 13 year old boy.


There's no reason to dislike yourself over his comment. I remember in the 8th grade, my crush's friend said to him "Ew, don't ever go out with her or I'll punch you in the face". It sucked, I cried. But trust me, you'll get over it. You grow up and all that petty kid BS that you once thought was so important fades away. Then feel dumb for ever wasting time being upset over things that didn't matter.


If there is anything that is so important to learn at your age, it's to own who you are. You'll be so far ahead of the game once you gain that confidence. The people who DESERVE to be in your life will be. Look on the bright side and be glad that you've witnessed how immature he still is. Use that to realize you've dodged a bullet

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Also, at 13 you're still a child. Enjoy school and your friends. Learn all you can. If you focus on boys and lose sight of what's important, that can hugely impact your future- Whether you realize it or not. You have your whole life ahead of you. Wait until you're a woman and old enough to date a man, not a boy. There's really no point in boyfriends at that age anyway. I wish I had waited until I was at least 18 before getting my first boyfriend. My early twenties would have been so much better!

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Your crush is a 13-year-old boy and he sounds like an immature mean idiot at that. Ignore him except to speak about class work. If he snipes at you snipe back while laughing. When he made the remark about you being stupid that's when you should have come with back with a laugh and a, "Right, that's why I scored higher than you on those tests," then turned around and ignored him.


Sorry, but you're going to have to learn to dish back what they give out and treat it all as one big joke. And realize sadly at this age a lot of people can be really mean. And that you aren't ugly, but that's still a holdover from kids not yet matured enough to be able to verbalize their discomfort, anger or other emotions.


I know it's awful to have a crush on a jerk, but yeah I think many of us have been there at one time or another. You tell yourself it doesn't matter, they're a jerk, and you relegate them to the status of slightly amusing monkey you have to tolerate now and again. And never let them see you cry or get upset. Act like and say, "Whatever" then be totally disinterested. That hurts them a whole lot more when they see they aren't going to have any affect on you and you don't care. And even if you do care remember they are not mind readers and will have no way of knowing what you're thinking.


And there will be plenty of boys that think you're pretty as you go through life. Pretty fades anyways over time anyways, intelligence doesn't. Keep that in mind as you go through life and you'll do all right.

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