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help please!!!!!!!


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The more you are trying to explain yourself, the more immature this situation sounds. Who cares if she still has pictures or you on her social media? I don't think she is concerned with that. Nor is it a sign that she is still interested in a relationship with you. There is way too much going on here. You need to work on yourself and handling your emotions. Those are things that you can control and should be controlling. Stop focusing on this non-existent relationship.

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ttgg88, you might read some of these responses and feel like people aren't taking your situation seriously, or that you're being judged.


Without speaking for anyone else, I think that the situation you've described sounds hopeless- not because your ex doesn't have feelings for you (I have no clue, nor does any other stranger on this forum), but because you continue to act destructively instead of productively.


You seem to be asking for advice, but when it's offered, you become defensive or continue to argue your points- most of which appear to come from a very immature mindset. It's rather shocking that there's a child involved in such a silly situation, honestly.

But, in the interest of productivity, here are my suggestions:

1) Leave your ex alone and let her cool down for a while. Go NC. For a long time.


2) Remove yourself from social media for at least a month. Use that time to evaluate what kind of man you want to be, make a plan to become him, and start acting on your plan.


3) If you've already sent flowers, let the flowers get sent. Best case scenario: Ex loves the flowers and thinks of you fondly. Worst case scenario: Ex hates that you sent her flowers and burns them in a trashcan. Either way, you'll be busy doing NC and working on yourself, so who cares?


I think sometimes it's hard for other posters to relate to stories that seem full of pettiness and intentionally hurtful acts. Maybe it's because many of us are healing from relationships where we tried really hard to make them work, using what we thought were healthy and positive approaches like honest communication, compassion, patience, counseling, prayer, etc.


It's jarring to see threads when someone is trying to "fix" a relationship with control, manipulation, or deceit. That's hard to take seriously.


So hopefully you'll take something positive away from this, and good luck to you.

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thanks. I understand completely. I have been praying asking for an easier way, simplified way. I love her so much that I will do this. I love her child as if she were mine's. I wouldn't want any guy treating her this way at all. Good thing about all if this is that Im learning every day. thanks again.

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