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Why would she still have all of stuff up on Twitter and instagram..and where's my diamond ring I bought her? She says if we are meant the love will find us. I also believe you can make your own fate. I don't want to be with her right now because it would be alottttt of extra baggage to carry. After all 2 built it so 2 broke it.

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No it was a promise ring..and I only said it in hopes she would come to me. I took her for granted though. Doesn't matter. I cancelled the flowers. I'm going no contact indefinitely...unless she contacts me. I can forgive myself but I can't do her forgiving to. If it's meant then it will be. She obviously doesn't trust me. So that's time right there. I'm using this no contact to get myself in a extremely better position. She comes good. I will treat her the same every day and never change. If she doesn't. I learned from everything I did. In fact I don't regret it. I have learned a lot already.

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maybe I am reading this wrong...but let me get this straight, you broke up with her because you wanted her to come to you???? What??? So you tried to threaten her with ending the relationship (controlling) so that she would do what you wanted?


I really hope you learned something from this experience. DO NOT PLAY GAMES. People will take your word for what it is.

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But still no excuse on why not to give it a try...so with that being said it's her lost...not mine's...she ignored my request to see her...even acknowledged she had been a bit distant due to family and friends. So my frustration should have been delt with at that moment. So i have found all the reasons why I'm more important. 😃 I didn't at all use this to control her...I simply felt and said what I felt at the time. Doesn't mean that's how I would feel forever. I mean if I get to the point of saying I think we should split up due to her not coming to see me. Then you can guess how much I endured before I gave in.

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I'm so lost as to what's going on. So the OP broke up with his girlfriend as a ploy to try to get her to act in the way he wants her to, she accepted the breakup, so now the OP is trying to use another girl who likes him to try to make the girl he broke up with jealous? If I'm right on this interpretation (it's tough to tell because the OP is all over the place and not very clear), then it sounds like some immature teenage-type stuff.

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I'm so lost as to what's going on. So the OP broke up with his girlfriend as a ploy to try to get her to act in the way he wants her to, she accepted the breakup, so now the OP is trying to use another girl who likes him to try to make the girl he broke up with jealous? If I'm right on this interpretation (it's tough to tell because the OP is all over the place and not very clear), then it sounds like some immature teenage-type stuff.
ok first off i may have done some childish stuff. Doesn't mean I'm not a man in which I Am. I love her and feel she is the one for me. So of course love would have you all over the place. Seriously?? I broke up with her out of anger! Point blank. Yes it was stupid of me but hey it happened. I was just angry and still have a lot of anger. But I love her more than I am angry with her. She choose to take me back " we can work on the relationship" was her exact words. Then she was confused. All this happened already. 2 months ago. She has been sending mixed signals. Now wether this is intentional or non intentional Idk. I only know her emotional state is all over so I can't trust anything she say at THIS point. Only time can tell.
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I initiated nc and she broke it. I got emotional all over. Then it was like anger set in because I felt like I dumped her but yet I'm showing all the signs of a dumpee and she acts like she is confused about everything. Everything?? So now I have like just pushed myself away because I love her and if space is what she needs then it could benefit both if us...because I could take this time for me. Ashley was just a girl I met who knows my situation but insist on moving to quickly. So I decided to post it to show how thirsty girls can be. And her sent the txt to her. Lol.

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Seriously?? I broke up with her out of anger! Point blank.


Okay, that is a problem. That is not a good thing. You are an adult, but you are not acting like one. You need to have open, honest, and sincere communication with everyone in your life including someone you are in a relationship with. Anger is not an excuse to threaten or control someone because they are not doing what you want.


I hope you can learn a lesson from this. You also may benefit from therapy on how to deal with your emotions when you are angry. But the relationship is done, there has been so much damage, mixed signals, flip flopping, ect. You need to walk away from this and learn from your mistakes.

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Promise ring very symbolic to me due to the fact it's a ing promise you dildo. Lol. I'm not all young and very much intelligent. Just made some dumb decisions. She was in love with me days before the initial incident. It went from us working on the relationship, Then it was I'm confused. Then it was space then, then it's I shouldove on. Like I don't get it. I can't trust it. the text she saw didn't make anything better. She had acknowledged my Change she said she saw it. Then the txt like ed all that up. She responded with anger.

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Seriously?? I broke up with her out of anger! Point blank.


Okay, that is a problem. That is not a good thing. You are an adult, but you are not acting like one. You need to have open, honest, and sincere communication with everyone in your life including someone you are in a relationship with. Anger is not an excuse to threaten or control someone because they are not doing what you want.


I hope you can learn a lesson from this. You also may benefit from therapy on how to deal with your emotions when you are angry. But the relationship is done, there has been so much damage, mixed signals, flip flopping, ect. You need to walk away from this and learn from your mistakes.

so why keep all the pictures up on instagram and Facebook and Twitter? If it's done. Confused doesn't mean done it means time to have a clear view on your feelings. Now believe me I have been taking steps to improve me. Like I was afraid of masculinity therefore I didn't do alottttt. Communication mostly. I would respond in anger. But she had an attitude problem as well. I have learned my lesson I honestly have. it's just that like I got so attached to her daughter and her. So it's extremely hard. The other night I got drunk and Seen her car at some other person house and called her. Which was absolutely not good. Then this....the txt. She was not happy. She ignored me. She told me to leave. Her. Alone. Then said she don't believe anything I say. You see? That's anger and more anger
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Because you keep acting immaturely.

You broke up with her. Then you call her out for being at someone's house. Then you send the texts from the other girl.


If you just leave her the hell alone, she might calm down but you just keep throwing gasoline on the fire you started.

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she knew I was angry...maybe it was premeditated. She was only waiting for that to happen. Idk. I have found a on her phone since. Lol. Small white . Lol. And I haven't really Pressure her into telling me. I left the door open if she wanted to tell me she could. Don't matter now. She said that t"he girl is pretty talk to her!" Lol. That's definitely anger. pretty sure we both broke it. I mean she could have shown some empathy on the situation.

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True...this is very true. I should not have done that all. And honestly I did that t because her friends said she needed to another girl trying Get with me. And yes it wrong to both girls but. I really do havE good intentions. I really do. I just need more time as well.

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