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Not able to articulate


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Lately I am struggling to articulate my thoughts. I seem to need a lot of time. Many of you know that English is not my mother tongue, it's not like I speak my mother tongue often at all either, maybe once or twice a week at most. I don't know how to explain it but my mind feels more ...mushy.


I am not depressed just everythng seems to have blended into one concept and I struggle to articulate my thoughts effectively let alone eloquently.


My vocabulary used to be richer..maybe I need to work on that? It's as if I am in a haze. I often feel people don't understand what I mean unless I have time to explain.


I also feel like I struggle sometimes to have a normal conversation, I am very absorbed by my course which is analytical on an emotional level.


I also think about death a lot. I am trying to come to terms and find peace in the fact we all die hoping that this will alleviate my fears around death. The stuff I am thinking is heavy and deep for most and I struggle to jump into normality mode.


I hope that makes some sense. I would like some advice/tips/suggestions on how to tackle this.

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Sounds like you are spending too much time in your head and not enough time actually going out and interacting with the world around you. The cure is a simple one - seek lighter more social activities to do. Go catch a game of tennis even if you don't play and don't know how to. Take some lessons, etc. Basically, to get out of the groove you are stuck in, you need to get out and do things that are completely different and new to you. Even if it's something that you think you won't like, just try it. It will clear your brain and get it unstuck so to speak.


As for vocab - reading does wonders. I would just suggest that you pick up books that are more light entertainment and not heavy philosophy.

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