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Why is my ex texting everyday? Is he playing with me? :(


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We split back in march.there were some issues which I didn't feel I could deal with. But I still loved him, wed been together for a year.in May he got back in touch and we met up, it seemed as though we would get back together. Then he suddenly went cold and I found out he had gone off with another woman. They were together for a few months. I stayed no contact just left things alone. Then at the beginning of December he got back I'm touch. Begged me to talk to him.we ended up meeting up and had a nice day. But I haven't seen him since. For the past three weeks he's texted every day, starting with good morning texts and keeping up a convo throughout the day. He keeps saying he wants to see me..but when he does say he's free it's last minute and I'm not, he always has an excuse. All over Xmas I've been home on my own, off work. I thought if he wanted to see me, he would have. He texted all day every day..but its not the same. Well last night I called him on it, and he texted back how he hadn't been out the house for days and was tired due to not sleeping well. He doesn't work so has a lot of free time. I work full time and I make time to see people. He's been texting from 8am until 11.30 pm some days. I don't know what to make of it, what does he want from me? Does he still care or is it some kind of game to him? I'm so confused. I feel like I'm addicted to his texts they kind of help me feel close to him, but it's not really

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