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I can't stand my gf she makes me want to puke. She lied to me about everything and wants me to forgive her. She went out of town tonight to party with her friends. She says she just wants to go out and have a good time. I don't believe her. I tried to call her on her cell and she doesn't answer. Why am I so stupid? she"s making a fool out of me. I just found out she cheated on me a few days ago, she wants me to forgive her and now she does this. What kinda games is she playing with me?

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I don't know if she is going out to cheat on you or not, and neither do you although you suspect it. But it is clear you don't trust her.


If you cannot trust her, then you cannot go out with her.


If she wants the two of you to still date, you need to let her know it's her job to make you feel you can trust her, and right now, that means sticking around and being available. She cheated, she needs to do what it takes to make things get better, not you.


However, if you don't think you will be able to ever truly trust her, then end it now. Why bother, if you won't trust her.

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How do I trust her..she slept with another guy...I can't get that out of my head!


You don't now. I don't see how you could.


One question is could you ever. If you won't ever, dump her NOW, faster than NOW.


But, the other thing to ask is, why isn't she doing what you would need her to do to have some trust in her tonight? She cheated, and she wants to go out and have a good time, not make sure you can have some confidence in what she is NOT doing tonight. If you are not worth a night or two of her being home, because she wants to have a good time, then when will you be worth something to her.


Now, I am not telling you to decide this moment, but if you are even going to think about bothering to try anymore, she needs to knwo that this is her job to make you feel secure.


I am just trying to set out what you would need to think about continuing. If that's your thought, then you set the rules and ENFORCE them.


If I was in your shoes, I would not have any idea as to where she was tonight. I would have dumped her the instance I knew she fooling around. End of story. She would not be worth my time anymore, and I would want nothing from her anymore. But somehow, you seem to still want something from her.


Right now, she cheated on you, and she is out having a good time, while you are complaining about it. Sounds to me like she gets what she wants, while you are still wanting her. This cannot be.

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not at all my friend... she is just treating you like her best toy, like she can do what ever she wants with you and than just leave you and come back like nothing has ever happened.


You have to remember that this world is big, and if she is not for you, there has to me a vetter woman for you around there somewere! If you continue this and try to make wrong things write, you're just going to end up hurt even more than you are now and you woun't have a life.


My advice... dump her... Take some time off... relax. Think about things. Go to Burger-king, eat some fries... come back... and after some time- you decide. try again with some other women. The world and love does not end under one name... You can't think that she's the only one that you will be happy with... which you are not anyways...


So move on my friend... and buy a coke while you're at Burger-king as well... 8)

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