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Boyfriend constantly calls out my 'youthful inexperience'.


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Than you catfeeder. It is a difficult time, it seems to be getting harder the more I experience things without him because I'm thinking about what we used to do together. There's lots of memories.


Today is my 28th birthday, and yes I've been having a strange day. I have to go back there to get my clothes, I'll be going tomorrow. He helped me move out yesterday so I don't think I have to worry too much about him being nasty, but I am still nervous. He's very sad, he was crying when we broke up. I'm sure he's on some kind of a bender.


I've been spending time with my family and my dog. My family isn't terrible sympathetic though, they keep making jokes about it. I think that's how they deal with pain. I told them that they have to stop.


So yeah that's where I am at right now. I do have the rest of this week off, so that's a blessing! Though I have lots of work to do. I'm feeling pretty down, that's for sure.

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I've been spending time with my family and my dog. My family isn't terrible sympathetic though, they keep making jokes about it. I think that's how they deal with pain. I told them that they have to stop.


Eww. I'm sorry to hear that. You might want to entertain the idea of shaking things up by doing something bizarre--like surprising them by laughing at one of their stupidest jokes. The look on their faces could be priceless, and the endorphin release could do you some good.


While I recognize that this is a challenging start to your 28th, I hope it turns out to be your best year ever. That will make this all worth it, and you'll thank yourself.


Stay strong.

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Thank you, It was a nice birthday, I did everything I planned to do with him but with other people, which seemed to help a lot.


I do actually laugh at their jokes, occasionally. I think they feel bad now and it may be better because I told them how I feel about it. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so consistent and they are not very sympathetic people. My boyfriend was the opposite so it makes me miss him even more.


We planned for me to go back to the apartment at 6:00pm tonight, so I may have more to write then hah. We will see.


I hope it turns out to be the best year ever too! I will stay strong.

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Thank you friends. It took long enough! I saw him today so I could get the rest of my clothes. He seems really melancholy, but he helped me pack and such and he gave me a birthday present. It's easy for me to forget all the mean things he has said to me and how he has treated me badly, I tend to just let go of those things right away. I will have to keep reading this thread so I can remember. I wish he would change and just respect me because I deserve to be respected, I am a great person. He has lots of issues he needs to work through but I don't think I can help him.

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He has lots of issues he needs to work through but I don't think I can help him.


You're right--that's not your job. Grief is real and difficult, but I'd make a goal of surprising everyone--including myself--with my resiliency and ability to bounce back from this and thrive.


We're in your corner.

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