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chest hair


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it really depends on the girl. I myself don't like it at all! My ex was quite hirsuit, and when I kissed his chest, or even rested my head upon his bare chest I'd get a nosefull of hair, and I'd sneeze.


But chest hair is a fact, that is, you can't NOT have it if you're a boy. Shaving it will make for an itchy chest and potential nicks around your nipples (owwwwiiee!) I have been told this by various male sources. Oh and just in case you were thinking of it, DON'T USE NAIR on your chest. You'll get a chemichal burn on your nipples because it's a different kind of tissue there. True story. I think many girls are just indifferent about it; they know it's a natural thing, and unless you're Robin Williams or something, then I'd just deal with it, and if your girl indicates she doesn't like it...then ask her if she'd prefer you shave it. (And only if she will kiss the owies that could follow)

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I shave my chest and it does define the muscles better, and it just feels better for me. Shaving doesnt cause any itchyness for ME, it might for others. and if you are careful enogh you should nit nick yourself just go slowly.


Different girls prefer different things and i dont think it would be a huge deal one way or another.

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So, the two women who responded said no chest hair!


But what about hints we get from various media: IE: Austin Powers, is that bull crap, or are there women seriously attracted to body hair?


I'm half italian, half irish. There's a good mix! The most carefree, and the most frugal. But they both like to have good times, and ARE really hairy. hahha.

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Hair is hot and masculine. Only do something about it if you think it's going to improve your self image - don't do it because you think it's gonna get you more girls - the kind of girls that choose whether or not they're going to date someone based on their chest hair, let me assure you, are not the kind of girl you want to be attracting!


And don't shave if you do choose to rid yourself of chest hair, take the waxing option because I can't think of anything more horrible than cuddling up to a guy after sex or something, chest to chest and being prickled and scratched by stubble.

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Well....For you guys who don't like hair on your chest, then you should move to Japan where I am...Most men here have no chest hair, no arm hair, no leg hair, and some I know only need to shave their beards like once a week. Being a foreigner in Japan with some chest hair...Not a jungle but some...the Japanese woman find it a refreshing change..In fact all the girls at my office love stroking my arm hair.....Gotta love that!


Personally however..I really don't like having body hair...I'm 6 feet 85 kg and ripped...spent over 12 years in Da gym to get where I am today....I wanna show it off.....As one poster said ....either get it waxed (The pain...just suck it up) or if you got da Bucks....Laser hair removal!



Or as I do....just rip it out with your hands.....Ouch!

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I've always been more attracted to guys with little or no chest hair whatsoever. This isn't to say that I wouldn't like it, but I've never actually dated a guy who had a big beefing chest with a patch (or SPREAD) of chest hair.


One thing to keep in mind: while I was in Cuba over Christmas, I saw 3 or 4 men who were absolutely COVERED in hair (back, chest, legs, arms). They reminded me of wild beasts or something. Definitely unattractive.

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Either way is fine...I do like "some" chest hair though, it just seems manly to me to have just a little bit, but if you also have nice pecs, shaving can make you seem more defined. But do whatever pleases you and I can't imagine any girl worth your time would mind either way!


And I will second Ocean Eyes, those who are that hirstute are well.....frightening. Not attractive for me at least!

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Personally, I like a guy with some chest hair. Makes me think he's a man...not a boy. SOme women don't like it. So, it's a mixed bag. Now back hair?!?!?!!! No one likes that.


I'd say be happy with the body you've got. If YOU don't like your chest hair, then by all means pull out the bic and say "bye bye"

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I "trim" my body hair about twice a month. I don't use a real razor, instead I use an electric trimmer and I don't take it all off, I just trim it down fairly short and around the edges. That way its not really stubbly. And it doesn't itch anymore. Basically I just clean it up like getting a haircut and it doesn't look bestial at all In fact when I am tanned you hardly notice the hair at all. If you are really pale skinned and your body hair is really dark then it stands out more. If your body hair is more like brown or dark blonde (like mine) then having a nice tan can really make a difference.

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