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So yesterday was ridiculous. 3 hours it took for us to get to some sort of agreement. He lied about everything in the history discussion to our mediator (my notes and text messages backed up that he was lying) at which point our mediator finally told him that if he fails to cooperate and continues to lie he will be forced to send this through the court system and with his notes based on his observations of my exes lying and attitude, my ex would be most likely be granted supervised visits in a centre once a week, if any at all. So my ex started cooperating and we came to a decision for now. No idea what is to happen, it is stipulated that if he miss more than 3 visitations with out a valid explanation that I am allowed to terminate visitations.


Basically I got everything I asked for. He only gets 2 visits per week, no longer than 6 hrs and they are to be supervised by his father or his mother.


Child support was agreed on and he has to start paying immediately. We go back Feb 26, 2015 to discuss arrears and extracurriculars and finalized the support arrangements and to further discuss if his visits will change.


Such a headache for something I know he is going f**k up like he has in the past but, whatever. It is what it is right for now.. just had to see what happens from here I guess.

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