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Debating whether I should accept new job

Sam _

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It hasnt really cost me much beyond oil changes and gas. I have to change my oil every five months instead of ten, which I do myself.


Add a dollar value to your commuting time. If you took the new job you'd likely find yourself more energetic and inspired to come up with ways you could earn extra money doing certain jobs for neighbors, or whatever--AND you'd have the potential for management in an industry you'd prefer.


Get the hell out of the place you've been looking for a way out of for quite some time, and trust yourself to roll with this.

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To quote a meme, have you priced a heart attack or cancer lately? Yes! It's worth it, and consider it a temporary cut. Paying your dues until you prove yourself and jump into new opportunities.


Yes! And don't forget the folks here who have our fingers crossed for you. Let us know what you decide and how things are going.



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With the new job, you'll be working half as much (30 hours vs. 60 hours) but essentially making more per hour ($12.50 vs $9-$10). Your commuting costs will be less, and frees up more time. With the extra time you are free to take a second job to bring in a bit extra and to diversify yourself. Like others have said, cut some of your costs to stretch your budget. Sometimes, when we are stressed we spend more to compensate, so you may find you are better able to keep track of your out-go. Less stress in a job you are passionate about is a big positive.


I agree. Or even take advantage of prospecting new customers if its that kind of job, cooking at home to save money and improve your health = less sick time because you have time to do it, or what was said, take on a small part time job on something fun. Even if you can take a class that will enhance your career.

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