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Is my Ex over me or trying to make me jealous?


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Well me and my Ex broke up 2.5 months ago out of a 2.5 years relationship. She wanted to be friends and I accepted. At the start it was really awkward and eventually we were talking normally. However things took a turn and we couldn't be friends anymore due to some misunderstandings. Now things are calming down but it seems like she is avoiding me now.


She doesn't initiate contact but sometimes in group conversations she does respond. She doesn't make eye contact with me unless I initiate contact to talk to her. Sometimes when I ask her something she gives me a really warm/natural smile whilst talking, but sometimes she gives me a cold monotone responses. I sometimes feel like she is trying to avoid me because she has never sat next to me in lectures or avoids to be in a situation where she is alone with me. Whenever I make jokes in the group I catch her smiling at my jokes from time to time. This is making me think about her a lot because I feel like she is acting hot/cold towards me and I don't know if she is over me or not.


As for the making me jealous thing, our mutual friend was talking to her about me and my Ex, and then she asked "is there anything you want me to tell Jack?". My Ex told her to tell me that there are other guys chasing after her. Today when we were in a study room with our group of mutual friends, she started saying how this lecturer is really good looking...etc. I don't know if she was trying to make me jealous or not but I didn't give her any reaction. I just put on my earphones and went back to work.


So what is going on with my Ex? Is it that she is completely over me now and want me out of her life? Or is she trying to play games with me for her own ego boost?

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She's probably reading into things as much as you are. She's trying to get over a failed relationship in the same way you are. You can read into everything if you want, but you'll never know what's going on in her head unless she tells you.

She's probably not completely over you, it's challenging when you see each other as often as you seem to.

If you can be friends them great, if not maybe you should avoid hanging out with the group so much - otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy over analysing everything.

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Well me and my Ex broke up 2.5 months ago out of a 2.5 years relationship. She wanted to be friends and I accepted.


First mistake. You can't be friends after a couple of months following a 2 and half year relationship. Not doing you any good


She's probably reading into things as much as you are. She's trying to get over a failed relationship in the same way you are.


This is the reality.


Don't let this continue as it will get out of hand.


Respect yourself and don't get your self entwined in an emotional war

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The funny thing is, she is reading into things too. However, everything she sees is negative. For example, we have mutual friends in University. Since we are not in a relationship anymore, I am spending a lot more time with the friends. She thought I was getting close to "her" friends to get close to her face so that I can get her attention.


So what do you guys think about the jealousy stuff? Is she deliberately doing it to mess with my mind? It is really getting to me because I still have feelings for her and I DO get jealous.


I've been trying so hard to reach out to her in a friendly way, things such as engaging her in conversations, making jokes, but she just seem like she wants nothing to do with me. When we are in a group with friends she never looks in my direction. I feel so stupid trying to talk to someone that doesn't want to talk to me, but I can't help it because I still want her in my life.

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No. Just because you two have broken up doesn't mean she is 'over you'. That all takes time.

But, pay no attention to her hoopla. Whether she's trying to make you jealous or not.. do as you did, put earphones back on, good for you!


Being 'friends' with an Ex is not a good idea.. I'm sure you can see why now.

You really can't unitl those 'feelings' are gone.. which can take quite a while.

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We people do the craziest things when we are emotional!

Hey listen everything is relative. What do I mean? I mean it's not the best idea to try to analyse and figure out why someone is doing something or what meaning it has.


If the way you feel depends on what your partner does that much, it means you have work to do on yourself.


Yes sometimes they want to play games and sometimes they just have moved on. Usually this soon after a separation nothing we do means much.


Like I said my friend, move the frame of reference inside



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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No. Just because you two have broken up doesn't mean she is 'over you'. That all takes time.

But, pay no attention to her hoopla. Whether she's trying to make you jealous or not.. do as you did, put earphones back on, good for you!


Being 'friends' with an Ex is not a good idea.. I'm sure you can see why now.

You really can't unitl those 'feelings' are gone.. which can take quite a while.


The thing is I still want to be together with her. I'm afraid that if she is finally over me then I will have zero chance of getting her back.

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The thing is I still want to be together with her. I'm afraid that if she is finally over me then I will have zero chance of getting her back.


The only way thats gonna happen is she is going to have to miss you. And have time to reflect without you in her face. If you are always there, then thats going to remind her why she ended it. I wouldnt count on reconciliation or spend too much time waiting for her. You need to get on with life and then if she crawls back she does. If she doesnt she doesnt.

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