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4 months NC, he messages - I respond, then he deletes me off Facebook? Confused

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Hello everyone,


For those who didn’t read my story – my bf broke up with me 5 months ago out of the blue. He has recently contacted me with how are you/general chit chat messages and I have responded politely, not mentioning anything regarding the break up. The latest message was on the 5th of November – 2-3 weeks ago. I thought he was trying to re-establish contact as we have been in zero contact since the break-up despite him trying and this morning I realised that he has deleted me off facebook…


I know it is silly of me to care about the fact that he de-friended me, but when I saw that, it did hurt. And I am just wondering why?

I never liked any of his posts, neither did I comment on anything. I also haven’t posted anything on my page for him to see…


I am working on myself and I am better, despite the fact that I am still very much in love, that I am hurting and missing him.


I feel very confused and just wanted to get some opinions. I am hurting, so please be sensitive…


Thank you

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Good morning, I know what its like to be confused, been there done all that for two years before I found a wonderful woman, I am sorry that you are hurting but give yourself time and things will get better, from a mans perspective I would say if this guy really wanted you he would be all over you, he wouldn't have de-friended you off FB either, its not silly that you are hurt over the FB de-defriending, I would have been hurt too, me and my woman (now my fiancé) had our differences and I actually broke up with her and moved out, but I realized in like 48 hours what a huge mistake I made and we reconciled immediately worked out our issues like adults and we still continue to do so, so given that its been 5 months and he is trying to contact you I would have to say that he is just looking to fill a need because he knows he can fall back on you, be strong, find someone that really cares about you, you will know it when you find it.

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He defriended you because he is confused about what to do with you. He re-established contact to see how you're doing, felt conflicted about talking to you again, then made up his mind to put the relationship behind him after talking to you a couple times, by de-friending you. You will either find he will waffle back and forth, at which time you have to put your foot down and don't contact him, or he will be gone for good.

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