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gf cheated on me


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Last night my gf went out with a few of her friends. This morning I found a guys phone number in her coat pocket, I ask her if it was a guys phone number and she said, yes. She said that she has been seeing other guys and wants to break up with me. I'm so angry I don't know what to do. I want to go find that guy and kick his butt!

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Sorry to hear about this, but listen, this ***** isn't worth getting hurt over, or the trouble you'll be in if you hurt the other guy seriously. And don't blame him either. If he didn't know she had a boyfriend, he may not have done it, and even if he did, she is the one who betrayed you.


The absolute best way to get back at this girl is to move on and act like she had no significance in your life. There are 6 billion people out there, and half are women. Take a shot at another.


Keep your chin up. I've been on both sides of cheating, and it sucks either way. Just let this one go.

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I know it is very difficult for you right now... but don't let your anger get in the way...


First things first... talk to your girl and try to know if the relationship can still work out...


If she said yes and you love her so much forgive her and start over... Be on guard but dont be so tight...


If not don't be a sour loser and go on with your life... yeah it is painful but you would rather loose her than to spend your life on a lie...


I am sure in time you will find other person out there...

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Yo bro..I feel your pain.....Nothing hurts more than finding out the woman you love has been with another man.....It's the kind of pain that rips you apart......And it takes a while for that to heal.....


Even though she cheated on you, I'm sure you still love her a lot and maybe you are thinking of trying to work it out with her and try to save your relationship.

The problem is bro...and trust me, I know it, You'll never be able to trust her again, and when she is not with you, you will always be wondering what she is doing and who she's doing it with....This pain and this kind of thinking will eat you alive.......


It may be hard to realize it now, But you got to let her go......Take the pain for however long it takes for yoyu to heal and then move on with your life.....


I was in a situation where I was involved with a married woman..I loved her so much and still do...but one day she got really drunk and slept with another guy.....she said she doesn't remember to well, but really, who knows what happened....now, I can't trust her and I always wonder who she is with when she wasn't with me.......Anyways...I have broken it off with her and the pain of not seeing her is horrible (We work at the same company) but I know that this pain will soon go away..well not soon, but it is temporary, compared to the pain I would feel each day if we were still together........Anyways.my advice to you would be to let her go...and find a woman that you can trust...a nice girl...and average girl.....Good Luck Bro!

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hey man.

whoever the guy is its not fully his fault, its more the girls fault that the guys. I mean, she had the guts to simply tell u she was seeing other guys. you dont deserve that man. forget her. move on. its easier said than done, i know. but the way she treated you shouldnt make you even give two [Profanity Removed by Moderator]. this girl did somethign completely unacceptable, and u knw wat she deserves? i dont. but i do know what she doesnt deserve. you. leave her. move on with your life.

do the things u like doing. hang out with ur buds. be you.

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Well, first things first. If you two aren't married, why do you call it infidelity. Infidelity applies to people who are married and have committed life vows to one another. G/fs and b/fs are not married, but several sleeping together. Still not married. If you're not married, don't both of you have the right to date other people?


Okay, to your point now. You're really hurt because you trusted that your g/f was your steady and you found the guy's number.


Sorry this happened. Isn't it a bummer when people lie to one another?

What are you gonna do now about it? Did you both have the agreement that you wouldn't go out with other people?


Again, while it hurts that your trust was broken, still you aren't married, and legally, this is not infidelity, but broken trust.


See why sometimes that marriage is actually better? You can't easily walk out and have an affair with someone when married without extremely grave consequences one way or the other. When not married, the only thing legally binding is the morality of the social agreement between you, that of romantic partnership. Sex really should wait till there's deep commitment anyway, for these very reasons. It hurts too bad when a person is unfaithful to the agreement between you when not married.


Just some thoughts.



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