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It is day 18th of No Contact which is right about the time we normally contact each other in the past because of missing each other. The last few times we ended up being back together and finally after 9 years we were engaged to be married next year. Due to our last breakup (because of a bad argument) she had dumped me once again 18 days ago. No after 18 days I have those feelings again of missing her and having obsessions thoughts of ways to contact her again. This time around I had changed my number and removed her from all social media. I am trying very hard talking to myself that I am better off now….She will only hurt me again should there be any argument if we decide once again to get back together. Last night I had a dream of us getting back together .it is very hard for me being that we were together for so lunch and still love each other. As we all do is count the days of last contact .. I hope for one day to forget to count one day. This will be the day that I’m over her and That I’m really free from the emotional bond hurt feelings that I have.

Thank you for reading.



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Yes, it is very hard to accept and heal from this pain/loss.


You're at 18 days.. keep going. We all get these urges because we miss them, etc. It is not easy.


In time.. things will start to ease off a bit and you won't feel this rough. But, it does take time. Try to stay busy and take care of YOU.

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When I got the urge to contact my ex, I wrote out a list of all the horrible, awful, unthinking things he did and said. My goal was 10 things. It ended up being over 100 (we were together a long, long time - more than 20 years). Seeing it all written out, it was easy to remember that I deserved better and that every time I reached out I was settling for less than I deserved. It strengthened me every time I read it.


Make your own list.

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