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me and my ex are thinking about getting back together but it seems weird cuz one reason i think she broke up with me is because i suck at convos. in 7th grade i used to be pretty good at it but now this year it seems like all we ussually do is give eachother a bunch of different facial expressions

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actions do speak louder then words.

i read somewhere that "86% of a conversation is non-verbal"


from your facial expressions and body language a person says more then words do. watch her body language, watch her actions, they will tell you more then her words do.

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Yeah, that fact about the conversation is pretty much on mark. A conversation flows smoothly when you've got good body language, eye contact, relaxed facial expressions, etc. That's a big part of a conversation, and sometimes not so much the words. However, a conversation can't work unless you DO talk, haha.


What are you reasons for getting back together? Do you know hers, and have you asked her? How about yours?


I think that if it's difficult for you to keep a conversation going with her, it's not that you have to 'get better,' it may just mean you don't connect well with her. Maybe she's not your type? That's just a guess, though. If you truly want the relationship to work deep down, then you'll find no trouble to adapting and getting a convo going. I hope that puts it into perspective.

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