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Will it get worse before getting better?

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4 days into my breakup of 10 years. And 3 Months in being engaged.

She has dumped me now our 4th time being separated. Other than the 1st day of being emotionally destruct. I have not been really feeling too bad. I have accepted our break up especially the way it did. No infidelity involved from either party. Just don’t know how to work things through when we are arguing about the dumbest things.

I have been staying positive knowing and accepting our breakup. Realizing that yes it could've been an unhealthy relationship since we can’t work things out during the fighting stage. I love her and I was ready to marry her. Only to find my stuff outside her doorstep she wouldn’t talk or text me back. My heart dropped of the way she left me. But now I know in my heart that its over and that I must move on.


My question is this. Why aren't I too hurt by this? I mean yes it does hurt from time to time but the pain doesn't last too long. Is it too soon to start feeling the emotional pain? Am I really accepting this and know that there is no hope.

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Because yu have broken up 4 times before, and in your heart of heart --- you know the dynamic is unhealthy.


In acceptance, there is freedom. Often the heart rallies against the break up, and prolongs the hurt. Accepting that it wasn't meant to be means a weight

has been lifted.....not added.

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Could be shock, denial or simply like Mhowe , you knew it was over long before it was actually over.


Deep down you may actually be relieved that it is over so you are not hurting as much as you think you should be.


It is known as the long goodbye or the extended version breakup. The relationship died slowly so you were more prepared than a sudden drop the bomb kind of thing.


You will have ups and downs and will miss her like crazy some days and then be glad it did end others. This is all part of healing and moving on with your life.


I am sorry it didn't work out but you can see it was for the best for both of you.



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