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normal or another side effect of divorce?


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My ex and I split when I was pregnant with our second child. However its was a mutual decision and we've remained good friend. Our youngest son is 3 months old. We have shared custody. He gets them 3.5 days a week and I get them 3.5 days a week. 4 overnights with me and 3 with him although sometimes he will take one extra overnight taking them later on after dinner due to his work schedule. It's worked out great so far for us and the kids. Recently he told me that the baby was sleeping through the night for him. He slept through the night all 4 nights he had him and then came back to me and is still waking 2-3 times a night. Is it the transition? We've been doing this schedule since he was 4 weeks old and have never had any problems. We have the same bedtime routines, both feed him when hes hungry, etc. Does he not feel comfortable at my house? Or is this normal? Once my oldest started sleeping through the night, he did every night. But we were also living together and he was in the same bed every night.

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It could be anything. It might be the amount of stimulus. It might be the blankets or ... It's impossible to know. At that age, it's still very common to wake a lot, so I'm not sure it's cause for concern. Of course, when in doubt, you can always call your pediatrician.


I remember freaking out when my oldest would only use the black crayon. A box of 64 brilliant colors, and invariably he chose black. He was 3 years old. I finally called his pediatrician to ask about it. What does it mean??? Was my son depressed? The doctor told me it means my son likes the color black. lol! Sometimes it's really just that simple.

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If anything I think he has more stimulation at his dads. His dad has 2 step kids, 2 and 3 years old, who from what im told have issues with bedtime. Maybe I'm putting him to bed earlier than his father? I just worry that the problem is that he's uncomfortable or confused. Last night he woke up 3 times and each time was very hard to get back to sleep. Normally he'll pass right out after a bottle but last night he was fidgety and crying and would only calm with me holding him.

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