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Seven months (Update) and a message to the ones who have been left!

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For those who had read my story, you may remember me. I was a girl who was dumped by her bf of six years out of the blue and found out he was seeing someone else right after the break up.

This was a life-changing experience for me (No, I am not overreacting, it was!) Some very distant part of myself still thinks about this person and even misses him. Though I have to say, he has not attempted to contact me even once (Last time we spoke was 5 months ago, and it was ugggggggggly). In these months, I have felt sadness, anger, rage (and the list goes on...) I have to say in the beginning I felt unappreciated, not worthy...it took me a long time (and sometimes I still have a hard time understanding) to understand that I was valuable in spite of my ex bf's actions towards me.

Almost a week ago, it was my birthday. First birthday without him. Lots of emotions...I was also getting surgery because I had a huge cyst on my ovary. So, not only was I a bit sad for not having him around on my birthday, but also I was worried about the surgery. Luckily everything turned out fine, and I am back home.

I feel really positive and I would like to share this with others in my position. YES, I still think of him. Yes, sometimes I am sad. But those moments are rare nowadays. I changed the focus in my life and I became a much better person. I have learnt many things, and have many things unsolved in my mind. Maybe, I will never get an answer to why this happened, why he hasn't cared for me in all this time, why his family keeps sending me well wishes but he decided to get out of my life. But after all this, after the humilliation of finding himself on a picture with another woman just a month post break up, the sadness, the fears I had to overcome...I have reached a level of peace in my life where I can honestly say I feel good. I wish I would have love in my life, I wish the memories wouldn't haunt me that much...but I feel good. And you will. Just believe in yourself, believe that you are worthy, believe that you deserve to be treated with respect, believe that you deserve good things and I think good things will eventually come to you.

Thank you for reading...



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Hi Charlotte, it is so great to hear that you are doing much better. I hope to be in the same place as you at the seven month mark. You sound like such a lovely person and I really hope you find the happiness you deserve. And I totally agree with you that this is such a life changing experience. I am a bit too much of an optimist and like to see the best in people always so this had been an eye opener for me that I need to remember to stop and think with my head rather than being lead by my heart all the time.


Keep in touch and let us know how you progress. You are an inspiration.

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