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I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. MY MOM has breast cancer a couple years ago and shes in remission, and they think they may have found cancer again. and theres no way they can treat it. it spread. I cry myself to sleep all the time. its as if my life is falling apart. if there is anyone out there that can help me in any way possible into how to get through this.. i thank u

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I am truly sorry.


Losing family is the hardest thing you can go through, trust me, in only 9 months, both my Grandfathers died, and my Great Grandfather.


You need to make the very very most out of every miniute of every day you get with your mother. Make it special, don't fight with her, don't argue, becuase you need to understand this.


It MUST be eating her inside that she is going to leave you at such a young age. Infact, I'd bet that it's harder on her! Help her out too. You both need to spend quality time together. Just be there for each other, and love every miniute of it. Be optomistic, and cherish the time you have, don't dwel in the inevitable.


I am very sorry. remember that the lord works in mysterious ways, and faith is a great thing. I recommend it to all. Just know that god does everything for a reason, and after our lives on earth, we can be with our family for eternity in paradice.


PM me if you want to talk about anything.

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Hi, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through.. This must be hard. I've lost a cousin to cancer and she battled it for 10 years. By the time she passed away we were really sad, but happy that she didn't have to suffer anymore.


There is no words to explain how hard it was.. all I can say, is don't fight your greivance.. and seek Jesus, He can help you with anything.. God Bless you and your mother.

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You may want to get in touch with a grief counselor so that you can say what you feel about her now. The worst sorrow is over things that you could have said but didn't, however, in a way that love and friendship between the two of you needs to come from her. You are her world, just as she is yours. You and she need to become like little girl friends together so that you can remember her as she wants you to remember her...


There are excellent books about death and dying, and you may want to look at some in the library...one is by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and another is by a man named Moody, I cant remember his first name, but the book actually goes into the process of dying and what happens to us as we are getting ready to leave this earth. I think Moody's book is called Life after Life...There is another one called the Search for Britty Murphy, it is a girl who can remember her past life, and so she returns to Ireland to see some of her past life experiences.

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I'm sorry to hear about your mother and wish you didn't have to go through this. It must be hard on you. Know that it is okay to feel sad and grieve. Losing a loved one is a hard thing to cope with. Talk with your mother about how you are feeling. She loves you and wouldn't want you feeling down or carrying such a burden. Let her know how much you love her and how much she means to you. Also, make the time you have together count. Make every day, every second special. Five to ten years may not seem like a lot but it is longer than some people get when they are told they are dying. You have many days together ahead and you should make them memorable. Do things your mom has always wanted to do. Make sure she lives her life with no regrets and be there to experience things with her. That way you can always remember your mother as someone strong who lived her life to the fullest. Let her know you love her.

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my heart goes out to you. i almost lost my mom 2wice due to kidney failure. she even told us she was dying. she was unbelievably skinny, her body was falling apart, in the hospital for months at a time, it was the most horrific thing i ever had to witness. but she kept her faith throughout it all. she prayed & prayed & tried with all her might to instill whatever strength she had left in her body & direct it into the Lord. if you are not a religiously bound person, i dont mean to preech but please find faith. it will keep your mother going on the track where God needs her to go. if you dont believe in anything you'll for everything. my mom thankfully is still w/ us & healthy & if she waited 1 more week to go to the hospital she would have sure enuff died Doctors said.


please do your part to help her through this. be by her side 100% as i know u will & keep your faith alive. just b/c she has breast cancer doesnt mean she will die. her breast might have to be removed. i have a cousin who had that procedure. and sometimes doctors may give a time frame & tell u the worst case scenario to protect their own butts, b/c if they didnt warn u of the ABSOLUTE worst case scenario they fear you could come back & slap a mean malpractice lawsuit in their face. its called medical 'practice' for a reason. they never know 100% of anything. dont dwell on the years they gave her, they told my mom she wouldnt live either. the power of the Lord is stronger than any other here on Earth. what is in God's plan will be. please do not rely on your own understandings for He works in ways you will never understand.


please make sure you stay strong for your family. my prayers are with you & your family. i can feel your pain first hand....please stay strong. im here if you want to PM.



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I am truly sorry to hear about your mum, I cant imagine what you must be going through,


You must treasure every monent with her and spedn quality time with her, even try to live life as normal as you can for your mum, make the time you have with her something to treasure for always, you must be feeling so lost, deeply sadden and very angry at what is happening and also very scared,


also your mum must be feeling the same,

I may be a good idea to talk to a grief specialist to help you cope with what you have found out and also to help you get through what will come,


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

take care

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hi kimmie,


both of my parents died a couple years ago, and now i'm watching one of my grandmothers suffer through chemo. cancer sucks. i feel for you, and i understand how painful it must be for you right now. a couple of things:


dragon girl is 100% rite: doctors do have to tell you the worst case scenario just to save themselves. 5-10yrs is a long time. cancer is curable. three of my mom's old friends are oncologists, one of them has even had both stomach and breast cancer herself. she's fine now (though she's only got one boob).


your mom probably feels as awful as you do. i'm sure she wants to be able to see you through the most important parts of your life, and in addition to the pain of cancer, she's just as scared and frustrated as you. make the most of your time!! you are 16. your mom DOES NOT want you to miss the fun of being a teenager because of her. let her know how much you love her, how important she is to you, and do what you can to make her pain easier. whether you see it or not, you have a unique chance to get to know your mom really well now. treasure what you have while you have it. i know that sounds harsh, but life is harsh sometimes.


for me, the hardest thing when my parents died was seeing other kids with parents whine about them. i wanted to punch them all - they just didnt get how lucky they were. i didnt have the chance to tell my parents how much i loved them before they died. they just left. for a long time i was the most depressed kid ever. but i realized that they didnt give birth to me so i would cry all the time. they would want me to go on with my life, even if they couldnt be there to see it.


crying helps. really, it does. but just be careful not to cry too much in front of ur mom...you might make her feel guilty. and hey, you know how they say the best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up? its true. helping ur mom feel loved will help u too.


pm me if you need to okay?


good luck to you and your family.

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