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i dont understand why i feel this way.

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today was an okay day. but lately i've been feeling a little depressed. i get like this from time to time and i can't understand why. i do well in school, i have friends, mabye im not the most popular girl in school but i do get along with some people. i have a good relationship with my parents, and my siblings (im the youngest of 4). i play sports and dance, take piano lessons, swimming,i have a part-time job so on and so on. i dont understand why im depressed. sometimes i cry myself to sleep. i dont have a boyfriend, i wish i could change that, but i think im socially akward, sometimes i just do not know what to say to people. that bothers me. does anyone have any advice on how i could chance this? please i need somebodys help.

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What you are describing sounds pretty normal. During the teenage years, your hormone levels are changing which can make your emotions go all over the place. You sound like a mature young lady with a good head on her shoulders. Can you talk to a school therapist about your depression? The teenage years are rough - things got better for me once I left home for college. Best wishes!

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Sounds alot like me... I experienced this often and I've learned to live with it I think the bf/gf thing is a cause for this... or at least for me. But i've learned to live with this and see nothing real bad bout it no more.


Thats all I have

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Yes, its probably just a hormone thing. You can't do anything about it but it makes it a lot easier if you just blame it on something, like hormones, and tell yourself that tomorrow you will probably feel better.


I'm a 25 year old male so I'm sure I have pretty stable hormones but even I have days like that, today is one of them! I just can't stand not having a girlfriend today. But yesterday I was feeling glad I didn't have one!!


And also, any kind of good change or something new in your life will cheer you up. Find something to look forward to, that makes the days go by easier!

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Well, if it keeps bothering you, you could get checked out for depression by setting up an appointment to see a psychiatrist. I felt the same way and still do sometimes; I was depressed on and off and didn't know exactly why I should be (like you explained). If you have depression, it's because of an imbalance of chemicals in your brain, and it can be helped through prescribed meds and therapy. I mean, I thought it was hormones too...and that there really wasn't anything wrong with me...but it turned out that I had depression.


Oh by the way, you also have some social anxiety? That's a symptom of depression too because anxiety and depression sometimes go hand in hand.


So...if you are feeling like that a lot and it really starts to get to you...I'd suggest getting checked for depression. If it happens only once in a while, it probably is just PMS or hormones or something and shouldn't be taken TOO seriously. EVERYONE has days like this. You are allowed to feel like that and it's pretty typical among teens. Sometimes in that case it's good to just unstress by listening to music, talking to friends/family, exercising, taking a hot bath, etc.

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