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Please help i'm only 16 and dont know what to do!!


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Hello, i recently found out that i might be pregnant and have no idea what to do. I am only 16 and am considering abortion at the moment because of my age. i feel i am too young to have a child at the moment and would not be able to support it properly. my mother tends to be pushing me in this direction as well. i really want to finish year 12 and i know being pregnant would jeopardise my marks. However, many friends and aquaintances i know, which are around my age and even a little younger have fallen pregnant and kept the baby. they seem to be able to care for their child adequately, but this did force many of them to drop out of school (something i don't want to do). i also heard that abortions can stop you ever getting pregnant. is this true?? its not that i don't want to have a baby, i just feel like i am too young to care for one at the moment. i'm not worried about the father of the baby either, as he is quite financially stable and has told me he would support which ever decision i make. please help, i really don't know what to do!!! if i keep the baby i risk never finishing year 12 and this means i probably will not be able to support myself properly nor a child. if i do have an abortion i may regret it for the rest of my life. i know this is my decision but any opinions are greatly appreciated.

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Don't forget to also look into adoption....that way you can have the child and ensure it is in a family that can support it, but maybe you would feel better about it then abortion if you have a hard time with it. There are also adoptions (open ones) where you can choose the parents and get updates every now and then on the child. I had a couple friends give children up for adoption and are very happy they chose that way, but I have also known people who kept them or aborted them...all had to adjust as required but are confident in their choices even years later.


It sounds like you know what can happen either way. Just for the record abortion does not mean you cannot have more children - that tends to happen only for repeated/multiple abortions, or botched ones, or ones not done by a legal doctor. One abortion will most likely NOT mean you can never have kids again.


I recommend you go with your mother (or alone) to speak to a counsellor who can give you all your options (be careful, some clinics will only push one or two options) and get some more insight into what each process involves and you can decide what is best for YOU. Don't ket anyone else force you to make choice...you are one who has to live with it.

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Hi - You're in a really tough situation. Have you talked to your parents or your doctor or planned parenthood about your situation? Have you considered giving the baby up for adoption? I do know one girl in high school who had a baby when she was 15, and she really wanted make a good life for her baby, so she studied hard and was at the top of every class. If you can be motivated and strong, you can finish grade 12 also, and even go on to college. There are services available on campus for students with children.


I wish you well in whatever decision you make!

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Do not get an abortion. Even if this child was an inconvenience to your life, it is still another life of another human! If you get an abortion you will regret it for years to come everytime you think of that sweet life that you destroyed. You made a mistake, we all do, but you need to take some responsibility for your own actions and have the child. If you can't handle him/her then put them up for adoption.

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This is a big decison you have to make. Even though abortion is probly the easier way out cause you don't have to worry about having the baby, personally if my g/f i woudn't want her 2 do that. Im with Raykay on this one, and look into adoption, if you don't want the baby. If you have an abortion it will bother you later in life.

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like the others said, this is a serious decision, think it over before you do anything. Talk to your parents, your conselor, your doctor, any adult you can trust. Don't rush this decision. Don't let anyone pressure you into making the choice, consult them and see what you think it's better for you.


Good luck

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I'd really recommend you see a counselor to go through all your choices and examine what you could be facing in the future with each one. None of the choices are easy. So you don't have to do this one alone. Trust me, you'll want some one on one time with a counselor to talk through your feelings and emotions about these choices.


Talk to your parents about it too. They may be more supportive than you think. Take your time and don't rush this decision. It will be one of the biggest you ever make.

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I like what avman said. Make this choice with care.


Also, maybe i didnt read your entry well enough, but did you say you think you MIGHT be pregnant? My advice would be verify you are pregnant before stressing like crazy. If you are unsure then it will cause more stress then knowing for sure.


With all this said remember this is YOUR life. Having a child when you are young will NOT ruin your life at all. You will just be on a different path then you thought you might. No matter if you decide to care for the child, have an abortion, or put the child up for adoption make sure that it is what YOU want to do.


Just be careful and make sure its what you want to do, i think thats most important.

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I think that you are being responsible thinking about all this. Yes some times abortion early on can prevent you from having children later on but, there are a lot of factors in deciding that such is how the procedure is done.

I would think about adoption, look into it and see if it's a good choice for you, lots of people that are married and stable are willing to adopt because they are unable to have kids of their own.

If you decide to keep it some schools actually have a mini child care for students, I know a school I went too offered kids to take their babies with them and they stayed basically all day in a nursery in the family planning class. It also taught other kids the effects of having children young.


It's very tough to make that decision but make sure you don't let someone else make a choice for you as you will wind up regretting it.

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