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Kiss on Cheek during Second Date???

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I've been going out with this guy, and he seems great, and during the end of the second date, he bent down to kiss me on the cheek, and yeah, we were a bit strapped for time (this was at a track meet and he suffered from shin splints and he couldn't feel his heel anymore and had to go catch his bus to rejoin his teammates).


But does that mean that he only likes me as a friend? I hope he doesn't, 'cause he's the one that always asks me to go to his track meets.

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Maybe he is shy, doesn't like to rush things, or is unsure of how far you'd like to go. There could be a number of explanations. Don't jump to conclusions or think he doesn't like you. Keep hanging out and see how he acts. He may end up kissing you on the lips next time. If it seems like he likes you but is afraid to kiss you, why not make the first move yourself?

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My BF didn't kiss me the first date, kissed me on the cheek the second date, and then at the END of the third date kissed me on the lips... And even that was only cuz we wagered a bet on a game of mini-golf...


Suffice it to say, despite his gentlemanly pace, he DOES like me and he has opened up a hundred fold since then, LOL. You're probably in a similar situation... Don't worry, relish it! If he falls slowly for you, it means he cares what you think about him, and respects boundaries he may have been brought up thinking most good girls have.


Good luck!

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I can't bring myself to kiss a girl until I am certain about her which, with me, usually takes more than 2 dates!


I mean, if I decided I didn't really 'click' with her after say 3 or 4 dates then it would be easier to break up with her if we hadn't started kissing and stuff already.


If I kissed someone on the cheek at the end of the second date then that is a pretty good sign that I like her!


I've read posts on this forum about people who have been going out for months before they kissed, so it's not all that important.

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