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Cruuuush <3 on a workmate help please!!


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Hello everyone!! Any advice on my little situation would be greatly appreciated


My backdround: I got out of a VERY intense long term relationship just over a year ago, but I can safely say I'm finally completely over it as I'm now finding myself attracted to other people again. Its definitely great that I've moved on but it's caused a rather major workplace crush!


I've been working as a delivery girl for a month, and I really like one of the other drivers. I get butterflies, giddy and fantasizing all the time. We talk a little in between deliveries but it's just as he talks to everyone else, joking a bit and polite chat. He's a lovely guy, helping me out lifting and reaching things etc but I think it's just the way he is to everyone. It makes me want him so much more.


I am no good at flirting, I tend to either mess up my words or babble on about nothing, or try and act cool and ignore the guy. I am too scared to seem like I like him in case he is not interested (which so far I don't think he is...). But I suppose I haven't exactly managed to do anything yet to attract him, but I don't know what to do. I can't seem to get over this crush at all yet because I still have hope and I want to get to know him. But the people at work don't tend to get to know each other much so I don't want to seem weirdly friendly and pushy.


Please does anyone have any advice on what my next steps should be? What do I try to get him to become interested? I really don't want to look silly. Or do I take it that he is not interested and try to get over this crush? I am 22 by the way

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in a similar situation as you: age 25, guy I'm really attracted to at work, short intervals for chatting (working in adjacent departments), and struggling to attract his "special attention". Some ideas I've thought up (and have yet to implement myself - need to build up courage) include:


- Share music: Tell him about an awsome song or artist/band you discovered. Have your ipod or mp3 player on you and suggest he listen to a bit of it. This way you'll be sharing something together, and getting physically closer (you holding device, he wearing headphones)


- Tell him you heard/saw something that reminded you of him. If you know a little about his interests, research them a bit so you can say "I read .... the other day, and I thought of you" or "I saw ... on TV the other day, and I thought you." People like to be thought of, and as long as you don't say it too much, I think he'd find it flattering.


- Wear your hair down, wear natural-looking makeup, and wear clothes that are nicely fitted emphasizing your form (red is recommended). This stuff is mostly superficial, but can serve to catch his eye, and possible elicit a double take according to research done on initial attraction.


I wish you good good luck, and hope everything works out for you : )

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