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Did I seem desperate and possessive when I texted her?


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The last 2 years my ex has been reaching out to me through either FB or texting. We eventually got to see each other when she stayed over my house a couple nights in September. We didn't have sex or anything, but we still had a lot of fun. The next week she moved out to AL, but we kept in contact through texting in the winter. She kept a strong desire in texting me, even sending nudes without me goading her into it, and surprisingly said she missed me at one point. She would usually text me first, I'd sometimes even forget to text her back. In the middle of winter she decided she wanted to visit me in the summer and stay a few nights or more. She kept talking about these plans until she arrived in my state aug 5th. I got the impression most of the reason she was visiting my state was to see me. She ended up staying with a friend that still lived far from me. When it came close to when she was supposed to come to my place (around the 18th of Aug) she said she was low on funds. I found out she changed the plans to only wanting to stay a night at my place, IF that. I offered to pay for her train tickets and pick her up since it seemed she still really wanted to see me (if she acted more casual about the whole thing I wouldn't of offered). She said she appreciated me wanting to help out with her ticket, plus it was only fair since she was the one doing all the traveling. She said she had plans to do print making with one of our old professors. She said she wanted to try and make time for me and her other friend (Casey) in her schedule too. I teased and said 'would Jim (our professor) be butt hurt if you spent extra time with me?' She said it wasn't about Jim, she brought up how she had to pay rent when she got back home (even though I already offered to help her with money). I asked: if you did make it to my place, you wouldn't want to stay until you leave on the 22nd? She didn't text me back for awhile, so I sent another text saying 'my bad, I don't mean to pressure you. What ever works for you.' She hasn't texted me back for over a week now and she's still visiting in my state. I noticed on my FB wall that she posted pictures showing that she got to her friends (Casey's) house where I was gonna pick her up, yet she didn't text me like she said she would if she got there. Not even a 'Sorry it didn't work out'. Why isn't she texting me? Did I come off too possessive or desperate?

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That is strange and rather inconsiderate, i find. Not sure whats up with her?


Maybe it's best to just well enough alone? She's a busy gal and she is your Ex. I suggest to leave it be.


If she sends you a msg someday, be considerate but i suggest you do NOT go overboard anymore to try n please her.


She's now distant and you two are not technically together anymore. Time to give her some space & move on now?

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Thanks for the advice. The thing is, I never really took her too seriously the whole year before she came to visit my state, I WAS giving her space, she was the one engaging me. I figured if she was enthusiastic about seeing me, it wouldn't be weird if I put some effort into spending time with her. I'm still not sure if it was more my fault she hasn't texted me or that she feels bad and doesn't want to text me since I might be really disappointed?

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