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Stress, feeling generally unhappy


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He guys,


I am not sure what advice I am looking for, this is more to vent I guess. My life is really really hectic at the moment and has been for the last few years. I find lately, I am really struggling to cope with the stress. I feel over stressed, way too emotional, I dont sleep well, stuff like that. And cranky. Really cranky and irritable. I am trying really, really hard not to take this out on other people, but I dont know how much success I am having in that. I am just snappy and cranky all the time, and I really hate it.


Things with my boyfriend are going ok. We love each other and spend time together heaps, and we love each other, but lately, I am finding that we arent having much sex anymore. I know he isnt getting it from anywhere else, but whenever we are together, he is always too tired or we stay up too late and we just dont have sex much lately. Like we have spent much of the last week and a half together and we have had sex once. We are both really young, and have been together under a year; I guess I just didnt think the sex would dry up this soon.


Long and the short of it, I am feeling over worked, ridiculously stressed, cranky, sad, worried and really, really tired. I guess I just need a coping mechanism that is better than me being cranky and irritable all the time. Thanks for reading.

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I will be honest, it has been pretty average lately. I have been so ridiculously busy burning the candle at both ends that I hardly have time to cook. I havent had much take away, only once last week, but I have been having quick meals (nothing out of a box though!), meat and vegies, that sort of thing. Things with jobs and stuff for next year have been moving ridiculously fast; think part of me is fearing the change that will happen next year, and with everything else, especially my health, I am just feeling really rough.

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Sounds like anxiety.

I've been on anxiety med's for about a year now. Cipralex. it does help take the 'edge' off.

I am also in therapy.. trying to keep myself together.


If anything, keep trying to focus on YOU. Make sure you're getting sleep. (Melatonin) is good and is natural. YOu can look into that if you're not sleeping well.

Basically try to figure out ways to deal with it all.


Speak to your dr about your concerns etc.

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Thanks heaps for your replies.. It might sound strange, but I have noticed a significant shift in my mood since I stopped exercising. I do not have the time to commit to a proper exercise routine, but I will next year as I will be out of college and into a job with set hours, etc. I have to go to the doctors this week because I am waiting on more test results so I will bring it up with him then. Any ideas on how to talk to my boyfriend and the people around me about how I am feeling and why? I dont want them to think I am pushing them away, which is something I do when I am feeling exceedingly stressed and overwhelmed. My moods and actions (snapping, etc) are showing otherwise, when all I want to do is be around the people who love and care about me, and let them help if they can. I feel really guilty about it, but right now, I feel like I cant help it.

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Please please make the time -I know exactly how you feel when you don't exercise. Get up a half hour earlier and do 30 minutes of fast walking or cardio - get it over with in the morning. No need to do more if you do it almost daily -just get that blood circulating and focus on how you're getting rid of the negative energy even if it's a story you tell yourself.

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