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I have his phone number... please help.


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Here is the deal. My step-cousin brought over her cousin from her mother's side over on New Years Eve. She introduced us and I was extremely attracted to him.


He seemed so good looking and intellegent, definitely my type, not just for the looks, but for other reasons as well. So when she left I texed her a message saying how good he was looking.


The next day she texted me telling me his phone number and if I think so I should text that to him. I called her back to ask her more information, like if she told him what I said and I don't want to cross the line if he's in a relationship or married cause I don't know much about him.


He's not related to me in anyway.. so I don't think it's a problem.. I just really want to get to know him, he doesn't live in this state though, but that's not a problem for me at all.. I like to travel.


Please give me any advice you can, keeping in mind that I am not sure if he even knows that I texted her and if she asked him before giving me his number.. What should I do?


Thanks and Happy New Year!

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Thanks Salvador, that's what i'm wondering. I called her yesterday and left a message asking her, but she hasn't called me back. So i'm wondering if I should just text him and tell him i'm interested and leave my number or if I should wait until she calls me back to get the details straight?

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Hi there,

I think you should find out if he is interested in you too. Has he asked about you at all? I think you might text him and leave him your number-- if he is interested ( and doesn't mind traveling himself) he might get back to you.


If this works out... I want to caution you about traveling to see him... let him come to you the first couple of times. Things seem to work out better when a man puts a bit of effort to get to see you rather than you going after him. ( he has to work for it--he will treat you more special... you do all the work: you will feel used and not that special--those are just my observations )

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Thanks Muneca, great advice for the traveling, I didn't even think of that.. I know that he's a busy person, and I think with the more advice I get I can customize my own plan for what I am going to do. I still don't know if he's interested, but I will talk to her, hopefully she will let me know something soon, cause I don't want to miss out on the opportunity.



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Just wait until your friend calls back. Depending on what she says, Call him back for some chit chat, and see if he'll make a move to see ya... he should if he's a take initiative kinda guy.Just follow what Muneca has said on what should be happening. She's right about that stuff.

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Hi Kalshane and everyone..


Guess what, I went out on a limb and texted him back.. I told him that I thought meeting him was enlightening. Told im i'd like to keep in touch.


He texted me back just a minute ago and he's gonna come over and hang out! I'm so nervous, but happy.


I just hope i'm not tongue tied, he's already done that to me once before.. now.. any ideas on conversational tips?

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Hi Muneca, I didn't get your advice in time, but that is what I did.. just relaxed and you know what the chemistry was so good! We stayed up all night talking, then it moved to kissing & hugging..


Our situation is so different cause we know eachother in so many ways, but not exactly.. so it was like catching up with eachother over years of not getting to know eachother. We also had so much in common.


We had a great time and I know he has to go back to Florida, but i'm trying to accept that but sorta bummed that we hit it off so good because he's going to be so far.. I just have to take it as a fun night that I will remember for a while.. if it goes further then it will.. if not then ok.


Thanks for all of you that gave me advice.. I'm still surprized I went out on a limb and texted him.. it's funny cause he said he was waiting for me to text him.. glad I did.



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Update - look I really need feedback but I don't need someone to tell me how stupid I am.


To be honest, we hit it off sooo well that night that we had sex.. I mean this was after like 11 hours of chemistry and deep conversation.. I honestly thought we had something good there.


I did want the sex, I mean it's been a while and wow, we had it goin on.. so I wanted it just as much as him.. but in the back of my head I knew that we would keep in touch and possibly move further.


It's been two days and I haven't heard from him.. He said he'd text me later Monday night, but I didn't get one from him so I texed him because he told me to at first.. it's already been 24 hours and nothing..


I'm trying to act like I don't care, but in my heart I do.. I keep thinking darn, another guy is doing this to me.. why, why can't I finally get someone real who doesn't want to use me for just one thing.. and the fact that we had so much going on and I thought he was different.. I know it's only been 24 hours and i'm not obsessed, but I want to get over this and i'm just hurt.. not from him, but from myself.

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I'm sorry to read that. I know everyone's going to say "Its only been 1 or 2 days, give him a chance" . So I'm going to say that too.


BUT if I were in his place I would have already messaged you back, no matter how busy or what was happing to me, if we had had sex then I would have somehow contacted you already. But thats just me. Well, actually I would not have had sex so quickly.


Anyway, don't give up just yet, and do not blame yourself if it doesn't work out.

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Thanks 69king... I'm just trippen off of all of this.. I mean I am happy I did what I did with him, but just why wouldn't he call or text?


Another thing i'm trippen about is even though we used a condom, im having some weird feelings today.. I am really weireded out, I am feelin tingling in my boobs and nausea.. I hope it's just my nerves.

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