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help with my ex....

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So my ex broke up with me two weeks ago. We had been together 11 months. Well it's summer and we rarely get to see each other because he lives a long ways away. Everything was going perfect until he slowly stopped texting me. Until one day he sent me a text saying we should just be friends. I frantically asked him why. He said he fell out of love with me. I was so hurt because only a few days before he was saying he loved me and couldn't wait to marry me one day. We're only 17 btw. I tried to figure put when he fell out of love with me and why. Both he never had a reason for. He said he loved me but only as a friend. I was so upset I was like fine whatever. We decided to do the NC thing. I have tried so hard to get over him and nothing is working. I love him more than anything and I know it's true love. But is there anyway he still might love me and get back with me. Or should I just give up. There is a part of me saying give up but there is also another piece sayin g wait hold on give him time. If you think I can win him back any help would be wonderful.

P.s. I'm not moping around thing. I'm trying to make myself sexier and more beautiful than before. I'm trying to be the girl he first fell for.

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It has only been a couple of weeks from a relationship of almost a year. You're not going to be 'over him', that quickly. Could take months...


You two are both still so young. Dating is still so new for many your age.

If he's saying his 'feelings' has changed. He cares for you but isn't 'in love' with you anymore. Nothing you can do about this.. it does happen, sadly.


Yes, your heart is saying keep trying with him, but so you don't make it worse between you two, I suggest you leave him alone now.


"I'm not moping around thing. I'm trying to make myself sexier and more beautiful than before. I'm trying to be the girl he first fell for."

- Do you really think you've 'changed' that much in 11 months?

How about you just work on you for YOU. Work on getting yourself 'happy' again. Mentally & emotionally?

Work on your stability again.


Keep going.. keep living.. get out with friends. Avoid him.

You will be okay, just give it time...

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