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What the hell is going on with this girl I was seeing, seriously confused ?


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Hi everyone, here me out here I'm not too sure if this is the correct forum or place that I should be seeking some relationship advice but here goes if I don't get a reply then I will assume that this is the wrong place to be...


I will start of by stating that by no means was this situation anything on a very serious relationship note but I'm still very confused which is understandable as you will soon gather when reading through my post.


I started seeing this girl a few months ago and everything was going amazingly well, we would go out on dates go out for drinks go for walks in the park and just generally spend time together that couples do she even invited me to her place to meet her family, surely she must have been into me right? We had knew each other for a good year or so and chatted on and off for a year solid then we just suddenly clicked and started dating we would chat for hours about everything and anything and I was always making her laugh and smile we where even talking about going away for weekend vacation together, everything seemed to be falling in place so I thought.


This is where it starts getting confusing she was going back home abroad for a couple of months to visit her family and friends and I was going on a lads holiday we said our good byes and both acknowledged that we would see each other again very soon, she messaged me from home sending me a picture of some small gifts that she had bought me I told her that it was a nice gesture and she shouldn't have bothered we messaged each other back and fourth until it was time for me to go on my lads holiday she wished me a safe flight and I told her thank's I will see you very soon.


I messaged her once or twice from my holiday asking her how she was doing I must note that she was on holiday with friends a month before me and messaged me regularly from her holiday I didn't wan't to come accross as needy but I thought it would be nice if she knew I was still thinking about her. A week passed by and I hadn't heard from her she hadn't replied to my last message when it had stated that she had read it, another week passed by so I messaged her asking if she was ok and she replied with a short message saying she was good this was not the normal her so I started to wonder what was going on. Another week passed and she was still giving me the silent treatment I bought her a few gifts from my holiday and sent her a photo of it via facebook she also read this message and ignored it this was on the 24th of July and it's now the 9th of August and I haven't heard from her since when she regularly appears online and updates her facebook status, what the hell is going on people has she totally blown me off and completely forgot about me or even worse met someone else I can't help but over think everything I think about her everyday and miss her I have really fell for her and hope that she will message me but everyday passes and there is nothing what should I do I'm so confused why do girls do this when I have done nothing wrong ? As I said I know this isn't a serious topic but if someone could reply and give me a little bit of advice it would be very much appreciated thank's for taking the time to read my message.

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Yeah I assume the same thing, it's really a hard one to swallow when you put so much of your time and effort into someone and it backfires on you for no reason I'm left feeling frustrated but I'm not going to chase after her if she wants to talk to me she can. If nothing occurs in the coming weeks should I delete her number and remover her from my Facebook etc ? I don't want to come accross as childish but I really have no time for people like that...

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I can understand your confusion. I agree that it sounds as though she may have lost interest.

You could try being completely honest with her and tell her you're a little confused because of x, y and z. See what she says. There is no point wasting more time thinking about why, etc. So ask her upfront, or assume she's no longer interested and move on.

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Yeah, I agree she may be losing interest. It is rude she's not responding IMO, she may not be worth chasing. I would make one final attempt if you feel strongly about it, tell her you miss her and that your disappointed she seems to be drifting away. Keep it positive best you can, don't make it sound like you can't live without her just you enjoyed your time together, want more, so something like that. Then you've put it out there, doesn't work at least you tried and it'll help you not feel regret about it. Good luck

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Thank's for the reply's Jehst1987 and Feat, it's very much appreciated that you have took your time to reply. All of those reasons that you mentioned above seem accurate the only reason That seems legit would be her meeting someone else as she regularly updates her Facebook status of her daily activity and seems fine, I don't understand how girls can move from guy a to b like the weather it's a mind boggling one. Thank's for the advice.

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Guys do this too, just as often.


Sadly it sounds like she lost interest or met someone else, instead of being honest she has taken the cowardly way out and is ignoring you hoping that u will get the hint, this is her issue, not to do with you so try not to take it personally. I would try and put it behind you and move on, if she was still interested she would have been in contact.

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