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breadcrums and how I moved on after we broke up


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Last sunday I was on my way to the park to work out. I was walking there. I was at an intersection, I was waiting for the light to turn green. I saw my ex girlfriend's brother in his car also waiting for the light to turn green. We exchanged salutations and that was that. 5 min after I saw him, I got a message from my ex asking how I was. He must have told her he saw me. She lives about 40 min from town. I replied saying I was doing fine, she asked if I was still leaving the area for good(When we were dating we talked about moving to DC together) and I said yes, that was that. Whenever I reply to her it is always short and I am vague with my answers. I don't want her back at all, I am happy with the progress I have made so far since we parted ways, I have moved on and I am happy with my new woman that I have been dating for a while now. It was just surprising she texted me as soon as her bro told her he saw me, she was just nosy to see how long before I left town. That actually made me chuckle. I know she has moved on and is in a serious relationship with her new man. Thinking back I think she was just bored that day. we broke up in dec 2013, dated for a year and some change and knew each other since high school.


Since breaking up I have never initiated contact with her. 4 months after we broke up she changed her number and hit me up, I changed mine recently and gave it to her( the only time since the break up I initiated contact). I care about her as a person given what she did to me when we were friends and was there for me when I was going through a very rough period, so I'll always be grateful for what she did to me then and will never forget it till the day I die (biggest reason I didn't go full NC). Since the break up I never contacted her asking how she was and what she was up to. she has contacted me 5 times since. I have ignored the first three and responded to the ond she sent after her bro saw me. I kept to myself and have been enjoying my life. what do exes do that breadcrum thing. I never get that. I have never done it with any of my exes and I am never going to do it in the future. Is it some kind of ego boost? The only reason I even know about her relationship status is because I ran into her grandma at the store and she was asking me if me and my ex were on speaking terms, but I knew back in dec that she was dating somebody else, I don't know if she is still with him though. I wish her all the best but we were good friends but terrible lovers.


To people who are going through a break up, especially men if you want to properly move on. It worked for me, although I didn't go full NC I never initiated anything and left her alone. This is my advice:

My biggest piece of advice to feel better, is distance. Do not talk to your ex, do not ask her questions, don't ask her why this happened or try to get back with her. No matter how much it hurts or how bad you think things are, remember that it goes away, and that she's not special. She's only important to you because YOU made her important, and what you'll realize eventually is you can also make her unimportant. If you sit down logically, you'll realize that she didn't take anything away from you except for your ability to feel a certain way about her. You should be able to get along just as well without her, especially given some time. My two cents

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