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In the last year I had my heart broken by A, refused to date B, dumped C, was dumped by D (but don't care) and am currently dating E unenthusiastically whilst pining for A.I also have struck up friendships with F and G but haven't dated them. I also have a friend who is ten years younger than me. He is the brother of my friend and is home for christmas. We email each other alot. Hes called H. We are quite attracted to each other but would never act on it due to age, geography and the fact that it would upset me friend. We have never spoken of it either just flirt and touch alot.


Over the holidays

B,C,F,G have all texted to ask how I am and wish me happy christmas.

E texts me everyday often and we are going away for new years. And H bought me a christmas present.

D never contacted me and A used to email me until he finished his job in December but hasn't contacted me since.


Why is it the guys I don't want are so persistent and the guy I want always so resistant. Do I have some sort of phermones that are released when i'm not attracted to a guy and make me irresistible? Do I have some other phermones that repell men i'm attracted to.


Why is it I can have any man I don't want?

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Its not true Double J. I was mad about my ex the moment I met him and never looked at another man while we were together. I had him and I wanted him. The other guy that dumped me i didn't give a toss about.


Well Annie I cant treat my ex the way I treat the other guys because we are not in contact with each other. He would have to contact me for me to treat him like the other guys. I cannot contact him because then I wouldn't be treating him like the other guys.


I played it cool with him whilst dating because I was aware that men don't appreciate it when you are nice to him. Still out of the blue he dumped me. I shouldn't have been punctual though.Should I tell him what a fool he was or something. God I miss him and in ten minutes i'm off to spend the new years with this other guy and i'm just heartbroken. How will I get through it? After almost nine months i'm still crying over it.

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