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Anyone tried to write a book?


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I must have started a dozen scenes over the years that I would lay awake and think about, fantasize that one of them would turn into the Great American Novel or something like that. I tell myself that one day, when I have more time (which is BS, cause I have plenty of time now), I'll turn one of them into something. However, the likelihood of that happening is slim, because I am somewhat lazy at heart and not very disciplined when it comes to stuff like that.


How is your book coming?

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  • 1 month later...

Fame1977 you just need to sit down and do it. Not everyday (Idon't) or get into routine thats the easier way.


I have now just finished chaper 6 and cracked over 40,000 words and not halfway through yet. I still write 3/5 days per week but I also have life, and I'm still enthusiastic about the book I'm writing.


Hopefully some day you'll be able to read it.

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I write pages at a time. I have no idea how to put it together. I think it will be a coming of age novel.


I'm an artist...and I never know how a painting will work. Sometimes I think, "I'll paint x" and in 3 hours when the painting is done it's "g and a"...and "x" wasn't even thought about again. Creativity is weird. I have no idea how a book would work.

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I tried to write a novel several years ago, I had most of the plot and characters fleshed out. It was historical fiction and the theme was mostly political/spiritual. I got to maybe 35,000 words. I got my heart broken (completely unrelated to the novel) and I scrapped the project and began to focus on classical studies in my spare time. For some reason, I just felt unable to return to that. I am not sure if I'll write something again in the future like that.

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  • 4 months later...

I wrote a manuscript with a friend years ago that we pretty much have left on our respective hard drives. Then I started on one of my own and was literally finishing it up when.... wait for it, wait for it, my hard drive crashed. Yes, only one copy. So now I have been rewriting it on and of for 15 years. Yes, 15 years. I was probably 90% done when the HD crashed and now I suspect I'm no more than 50% done. It's branched out somewhat and I've been outlining a series of books with the same small town as really the main character. I'm either being very organized and methodical or I'm subconsciously sabotaging my own writing. Not real sure yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have written an eBook that is currently on Amazon. I can tell you that I was hopeful of finishing it before I did. This was because, when I felt it should be released, there were always editing problems or I just wasn't satisfied it was good enough. I still am not satisfied with the style of writing I used but as the advice I gave is solid, I released it.

Also, when actually publishing a book, even an eBook, there is always something that comes up. Something needs to be changed or something. So any hopeful release dates usually are not met.

I feel this is natural especially when it is your first book or you are self-publishing because you are learning as you go.

The stories plot or the message of a non-fiction book can easily change as new ideas pop-up. I think it is a good idea to keep notes of those for future work.

When I was writing my own eBook I had many temptations to change the main focus of it but I forced myself to stay on track and keep those ideas in mind.

I am not a publishing expert, I have just released the one eBook, but I can give some advice if you need it. I can try anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

How fares your book-writing, OP? Did you finish? Edit? Send a query to a pub, or perhaps self-publish? Or get an agent?


Writing books is an exhausting process, or can be depending on how much of yourself you put into it.


There will be times you want to delete everything in your flash drive. Then there will be times you will cackle to yourself as you type, thinking, "Just wait 'til everybody gets a load of this."


There will be times you can't wait to get home to your manuscript. Then there will be weeks at a time where you won't go near it.


It's hard. Especially if you have a more creative mind and aren't necessarily good at sticking to rules, routines, etc.


And as you go and get more experienced, there are even more joys and tribulations to deal with. LOL.

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  • 1 month later...
How fares your book-writing, OP? Did you finish? Edit? Send a query to a pub, or perhaps self-publish? Or get an agent?


Writing books is an exhausting process, or can be depending on how much of yourself you put into it.


There will be times you want to delete everything in your flash drive. Then there will be times you will cackle to yourself as you type, thinking, "Just wait 'til everybody gets a load of this."


There will be times you can't wait to get home to your manuscript. Then there will be weeks at a time where you won't go near it.


It's hard. Especially if you have a more creative mind and aren't necessarily good at sticking to rules, routines, etc.


And as you go and get more experienced, there are even more joys and tribulations to deal with. LOL.


Thanks for asking. have finished the first draft now 116k words. Going to start copyediting it next week. Have a publisher semi-interested but too early yet to submit. I'll let you know, and thanks for asking.


I have had a couple of pieces published and a 2 short stories in the mean time too. So its not all been my book although it seeems that it has taken over my life.



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  • 1 month later...

ok so now the manuscript is ready 114,267 words or about 400 pages of a normal size book page.


I got a couple of people proof reading it now and I'm working on the letter to an agent and the synopis. Should be ready to submit by the end of July.


I hope then I'll get an agent.


I'll let you guys know.

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  • 4 months later...

Well its been a while since I came here but there is good news. I have got a publisher who is going to publish my book!! Yay me!! It is currently going through the production cycle and will be launched in late srping 2016.


I'll give you more details closer to launch day.


Watch this space

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