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last night i had a dream about my ex bf..we were still together and so happy. when i woke up this morning i wanted to call him but then i remembered about my current boyfriend. all day i couldnt stop thinking about my ex...it was hard. i mean, i dont think i want to tell him how i feel. we have dated so many times, but the last time was in like april so it was a long time ago and i dont know how he feels. he has a girlfriend and they have been dating 2 months longer than me and my current boyfriend. so i dont know if its a good idea for us to get back together cuz i dont know how he feels about me, we are good friends and he tells me he loves this girl alot, but i dont know if i could ever be apart of his life again. another thing, i dont know if i could break up with my boyfriend, even if i dont go back to my ex, i still have feelings for him, and thats not fair to my boyfriend. i just dont know how to do it. i care about him and all...but i jst dont know. people have been telling me just be honest tell him u cant see him any more...tell him u dont see it working out...i CANT say that to him, its toooo hard. i really miss my ex...but then again we have a history...we were young when we dated for the first time and i told him ALOT of lies that he still believes to be true...ones i really dont want to mention b/c itd make me feel like a horrible person. so i dont know if i could get back with him knowing that he thinks that certain things happened to me...and after all this time i dont want to tell him that i lied about it, because then he'd probly hate me.


if any one has gotten this far and remembered all the spots where i am confused and would like to help me out then i really appreciate it.


* SaRaH*

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it sux i still have dreams about my ex...if you love your ex still dont drag your current bf along. b/c whether or not you 2 get back together if u care about him more than your current bf dont string him along for the ride.


& about the lies, are they really significant enuff that he'll be that upset over them still? if it bothers u enuff, be honest w/ your bf & be honest w/ yourself. follow your heart.



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having a dream about your ex boyfriend is not an indication you should get back together with him, nor does it say you should break up with who you are with now. All you were doing was reliving a memory of a happy time while you were sleeping...nothing more.


If you have feelings for your current boyfriend, give it time to see if it goes anywhere...

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